Bring Me Closer

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who has ever felt like they weren't good enough. You are.


Looking back to last year, I have grown trememdously. Last year I was in 8th grade, pretty much the bottom of the food chain. All of those stories you heard about the kids at the loser table by the trash cans and the kids that never talked in class and didn't leave their houses on Friday nights, that was me. Now I was experiencing the summer before Freshman year. I had two months to build up the most popularity and "coolness" I could to make high school a good experience, unlike my past school years. Middle School was the worst years by far though, and it is my fault. I had extremely over estimated myself. I thought hot guys and the most popular girls were just supposed to come up to and be like, "hey youre cool let's hang out" and I also thought that just because you have a huge house and a lot of money, you would get far in school life. Well, for some it does but you also have to talk and be personable and that is one thing that I am not good at. So because I knew that talking to other people would be a huge struggle for me I made myself sign a paper that stated exactly this,

   I, Valeria Joy Nevae solemnly swear that if I do not become liked by all of the popular girls and boys than I will be forced to go up on stage during the Freshman welcoming picnic and explain that I am a nobody that just wants to fit in with everyone else. x.signature

I have to say that I am pretty hard on myself sometimes, but when I really feel something I tend to stick to it for a little while and then I just stop and let it all go. This time will be different though because this time I have something i have never had before, people to help me go through with this. The only person I have told about my plan so far is my best friend Jerilyn Mckenli. She's great and she is also just like me, right now, a nobody. So we both decided that we would do this together but she did not want to do the stage appearance so she just said that if she didn't accomplish being friends with all of the popular kids than she would have to just go through the rest of high school being not popular.

My doorbell rang and I knew it was Jerilyn becase we had scheduled to go over exactly how our plan was going to unfold. We went upstairs to our computer room and we each took a computer next to each other. My younger brother, Caleb was a computer accross the room so I let him be. We have 10 apple computers in that room and they are mainly fro my dad's home business but he rarely uses them so us kids use them. Me and Jerilyn looged onto Facebook and Twitter and got to work. I started by going to a certain popular boy that I think is the cutest guy in mmy grade, his name is Trevor Hall and I had a crush on him for probably 6 years now. I acted like I hadn't been on his wall in forever but really I went on just yesterday. I facebook creep, yes. I found exactly what I was looking for, he had created an event for a masquerade party at his house in one week, June 23rd. I turned to Jerilyn and said "This, is how we are going to become popular."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2012 ⏰

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