Chapter I The school

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When she went to school most subjects were boring for Amaya. It was not that she did not understand what teachers explained, she did well, because her abilities were normal according to the test that students had done their course. According to the results, her IQ was average, but she got bored when Professor Tano of Earth Sciences was explaining something she already knew: inside the earth's crust formed by the oceanic and continental crust; or layers of the atmosphere: troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere and ionosphere; and other items she had read in her own encyclopedia of nature.

She still remembered when a commercial knocked on the door of her house and overwhelming sympathy managed to enter, compelled her parents to hear for more than two hours explanations about the many advantages of having 12 books on the shelf of their cabinet living room and finally,how they bought the encyclopedia.

Earth Sciences was one of her favorite subjects, especially the agenda that had to do with space. But lately she used to be in the moon more often than she would have liked to admit, especially in relation to Alan, the guy who sat in the penultimate row. While 90% of classes were developed, he seemed devoted drawing in a notebook, so she watched him incredulously wondering sbout what kind of scribbles he would do.

Alan and Amaya were two known since child. She was in platonic love with him from the first day she had seen him at the age of six years, while making clay figurines for the nativity scene. Over the years they had agreed on the same class repeatedly , but she had not dared to speak to him, and now, coursing eleventh grade, actually all they had in common was that they shared the same classroom.

It was ten o'clock and the class progressed slowly.

An hour after the bell rang. Amaya used to stay in a remote quadrant of the sports practiced by some of his companions: football, basketball, and even volleyball, as used to watch something uneasy because she could not imagine herself practicing any kind of sport that demanded movement.

She was more compatible with intellectual activities, specifically what he had to do with reading space-related topics.

She spent time watching his teammates while a ham sandwich his mother had prepared her to eat and she used to carry very rare sandwiches to school. For example, that day was one of ham with tomato sauce and omelette.

Sometimes, Estela, Amaya's friend since kindergarten, asked what food was brought out of mere curiosity.

She replied fun.

- The sandwich has at least three flavors, as always.

Half an hour after leaving the courtyard, the bell rang for students entering class again.

It was time for English. Professor Alfredo decided that his students had to read on astronauts and outer space for individually, starting with the row that was more to his left. Joaquín first read it. He was the funniest student in the class and used to comment annotating teachers from time to time, provoking laughter from the rest. He began to read a text of National Geographic about the universe:

"The best known of the origin of the universe theory focuses on a cosmic cataclysm unparalleled in history: the Big Bang. This theory arose from the observation at high speed away from other galaxies compared to ours in all directions, as if they had been repulsed by an old explosive force ".

After reading it, Emma read. She was ​​a foreign girl who was there thanks to an annual program that could make possible a cultural exchange of a Spanish high school student with another French mate. Seven students in the class had signed up for that reason, at that time the classroom was filled with foreign students.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2018 ⏰

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