New Life

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"Oh my god" is how the first day went three months after my summer had started. So before we get to talking about that any further let me explain to you how my summer went before this day. It was the summer after my friends and I had graduated from high school and we were all out celebrating that we made it through all of our high school years when I had told all my friends that I had decided not to go to college but instead take dancing and singing lessons to improve and become famous. "Well why didn't you tell us this sooner, like before we graduated?" my friend Kiara was the funny one out of our little group. "I mean I don't know I thought you guys would be upset with me or disappointed in me." I was telling them while we were eating at a diner nearby our old school. "We would never be like that towards you. We all know how much you love doing that stuff and plus it's your life and you can choose to do what you want with it." I couldn't help but think that these people who were sitting with me at the diner that day were the best people in my life because they were there for me when no one else was and plus I didn't have any family. I lived with one of my friends, so they felt close enough to me for me to call them family. "Thank you guys so much for understanding. Plus you guys aren't going far for college anyway so it's not like we would all be separating anyway." I had found out earlier that day that all of my friends were going to the same college that was nearby where I was planning on moving to once I got out of high school and that's when the idea hit me. "Hey guys why don't we all just move in together since you guys will be going to the college right by me and since I'll be taking lessons it would be better for us to just move in together anyway." Everyone had seemed to be excited about the idea and agreed with it. The place that we were going to move to was LA. Yeah school for them wouldn't start until the end of the summer and my classes wouldn't start for a while but we figured that we would just start moving to LA now while we have the chance. So my friends and I started to pack all of our things up the next day so that we could get settled into our new apartment as soon as we could. It took us about four days to finish packing our things and then get together to drive to LA. "Is everyone ready?" I tried to make sure that everyone didn't leave anything behind because I figured that once we got to LA there wouldn't be a chance of us coming back, at least not for a while, than we would be on our way. You only met Kiara and me, Jacob, so far but you'll get to know the others in our little group soon. The reason why I introduced Kiara first is because she is the one that I've lived with ever since my parents died when I was a year old so I'm the closest with her. But in our little group of friends it's me, Kiara, and three others; James, Savannah, and there was Donna. We've all been friends since 8th grade and we've been together ever since. Also I figured I'd mention that I'm gay and so is James so I guess that's why we get along with the girls so well and NO it's not what you think. James and I have never dated, don't have a thing for each other and never will date each other. I'm not trying to sound rude here it's just that we are really really REALLY close friends and I definitely do not see him that way and he feels the same way. But that's beside the point. We had finally, after about a day of driving, made it to LA. So we drove around the neighborhood where we would now be living in and eventually found the apartment that was now ours. From the outside it was a decent size and surprisingly enough the color of the apartment wasn't ugly like some weird mixture of colors or different shades of a color but instead it was just a typical light blue colored apartment and I actually liked it. But before we even started to unpack our things from the car we all decided to go look inside the apartment to go see who gets what room and HOLY CRAP the inside was definitely much bigger then what we thought it would be. Since the apartment was so empty it seemed so much bigger then the house itself which actually felt kind of nice because it felt completely different from our old apartments. But of course once we moved in that wouldn't be the case. So since we all felt satisfied enough to know that we wanted to stay there we went down to the van and grabbed our things and started to unpack. "I think that this is going to be one of our most interesting adventures yet." We had no idea why Savannah said that to us but all we know was that we agreed with her. Our day was filled with a lot of excitement so at the end of the day we all just wanted to sit down and relax until the next morning. "I'm glad that we decided to do this. I think it will be fun but at the same time it will be good for all of us." James wouldn't stop talking after that. He's a very optimistic person. Not just that but he's also very caring and lovable, I'm actually surprised that he doesn't have a boyfriend yet, I mean neither do I but that's because I don't open my heart much. "Hey guys what's that outside?" I could see a very bright light flashing from outside of the window. "I'll go check on it. I'll be right back." So typical me, without even looking out the window to see what it was first I just went right out the door and went to where I saw the light flashing. But the weirdest thing happened, as I was walking towards where the light was coming from it suddenly stopped out of no where like it knew that somebody was coming towards it and sure enough I saw someone walking towards me from where the light was. "Hey dude what's good?" the guy that seemed to be talking to me had a husky voice which sort of freaked me out a little bit because I had no idea who this guy was and plus I couldn't really see his face because it was so dark. "Um nothing really I just moved in over there and I saw that there was a light so I just came to see what it was but I guess it was only you." I saw that he was walking even closer to me now. "I'm sorry about that. I live in the apartment across from you and I was just out here talking to my friend so I had a light on." I didn't know what I should feel about this guy because I felt a little freaked out but, I also felt very calm when he seemed to talk to me, I don't know why but I did. "Oh yeah my name is Jackson by the way. Can I know yours since you seem to be my new neighbor?" I looked up to see his face and surprisingly enough this guy was very attractive. He had a nice jawline, he had his hair styled and he was also wearing a leather jacket with ripped jeans and black boots. I know right he sounds like a "bad boy" the way I'm describing him but honestly I kind of get mixed impressions from him, like he seems like a "bad boy" but at the same time he actually seems pretty chill. "Um are you okay?" I realized that I had been staring at him this whole time looking clueless. OMG am I stupid. "Oh I'm sorry I was just thinking about something. But my name is Jacob." After I told him my name he looked at me and just smiled and oh my god this guys smile was so cute I could almost die. "Anyway I have to get back up there my friends are waiting for me." "Cool are they visiting you?" I had just met this guy and he was already asking me about my friends. Yeah I know it's a simple question but what stranger who you just met would ask a question like that. "Oh no they are living with me." Jackson was just keeping that smile on his face and just nodded. "That's cool. Well I should probably go then and let you get back to your friends. See you around neighbor." He winked at me before he turned around to walk away. I walked through the door to see that all my friends were looking at me in anticipation for me to say something. I knew they wanted to know what was down there but they didn't want to ask me any questions. "It was just some guy named Jackson. He's our neighbor from across the street." Here we go. "Oh my god realllyyy. Is he cute? What does he look like? Is he tall? Is he nice?" Of course Kiara wouldn't stop asking me questions. She's always wanted a boyfriend and I'm surprised she doesn't have one already. She is super hot and she is such a beautiful and caring person, trust me if she was a bitch or some slut then I honestly would not be friends with her. I couldn't stop thinking to myself, "Why did he wink at me and why did he seem so nice to me even though he hardly knows me?". It was surly going to be the best adventure that us five have had and I sure as hell was going to make sure that we had the time of our lives and not waste a second of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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