The Guardians

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Aria stalked silently through the dense underbrush, getting closer and closer to her prey. She shifted slightly not taking her eyes off the small deer. She raised her bow loaded the arrow and let it fly. The arrow pierced the soft flesh of the deer and entered its heart. It only took a moment for the deer to fall dead, it had a quick death it didn't suffer, Aria was glad for that. She hates to kill animals but needed the meat to survive. Survival was everything, that is if she wanted to get off the island.

Aria, along with the rest of her group, were getting transported from the main research facility to a more privet location where they could monitor them better and more efficiently.They lived in the facility all their lives they didn't know anything else. The were tested on and forced to participate in weird activities. They were flying to the other facility when the pilot had an episode of seizures and they went down. The plane crashed into the thick prong of trees, the pilot died instantly and all that were left were the teenagers and two guards. One of the guards had a metal rod through his stomach, he died soon after. The other abandoned us and we found his body, half eaten by some wild animal. All that was left was Aria, 17 and a skinny girl with dark brown almost black hair with deep forest green eyes, Todd her younger brother that is thirteen, Sierra, Arias best friend and the same age. Their were also a slightly older guy, and younger girl, that they never met before the flight. There was another girl named Faye that they have only seen a few times around the facility. They have been on the island for a week now and have already learned the basics of survival.

Aria took hold of the deers legs,swung it over her shoulder and began the trip back to camp. Once there she quickly skinned the deer and cut it into sections, one for each person. She took the rest of the deer that was not to be eaten and put it into the side of the cliff wall to protect it from any other visitor. The rock wall was also extremely cool and was a good place to hide meat so it wouldn't spoil. She returned to the other sections of the meat and begin to cook them over the fire. When they satisfied her she put them on hot stone that were near,not in the fire, to keep them from getting cold. She easily smashed some spices that she found earlier on the hunt and seasoned the meat. The spices give the meat a spicy but sweet taste, she called the spice sorrel, for never have tasted or seen the spice before, but heard the chiefs at the research facility talk about it frequently. She then ventured out, not far, to get some wild berries that grew all over the island. She hummed to herself a song that her mother used to sing to her before she was taken. That was the only memory she had of the life outside of being a redt dummy, and the only memory that she had of her mother. She would find herself humming the same tune even without realizing it. Once she had gathered enough she called every one to eat, some of them were swimming it the shallow shores while the rest were lingering about watching the practicing going on. Calub was having a friendly battle with Todd, teaching him a few moves. One thing at the research facility that Aria didn't mind was that they were always being taught self defense, and survival tactics. Although the training and the real thing were extremely different they all got the hang of it, especially Aria. Arias the only one out of the group that can get close enough to an animal to kill it. The others have tried but Aria took on the role of being huntress. She liked when she went out to hunt, not the killing itself but when it was just her and the forest. She liked climbing the enormous trees that grew in the center of the island, looking at the exotic plants, and seeing the animals, that she had never before imagined. But most if all she loved the smells, for she had an amazing scene of smell and it was new and exiting for her.

Sierra came first, grabbing the biggest slice for herself, then Satt down in the shade a few feet away. The rest of them lingered in one by one or in groups,took their food and stuffed their faces. You would think that being on this island that we would lose some weight,but since being on this island we have actually gained. The facility said they didn't want to get us fat, but instead the basically starved us to the point you can see bones. The fed us only enough to keep us alive.

"Your the best, Aria!" Todd exclaimed.

"Yeah" everyone quickly agreed.

"Thank you Aria" Calub said looking into Arias eyes. Aria could feel herself blush as he said that. Since that crash Calub has taken quite a liking to Aria.

Arias head popped up as she heard rustling in the brush, the others have all stoped what they are doing and looked for the source of the sound. Aria got glimpse of black and orange before she was knocked on the ground. She shot up,seeing the tiger, in a blink of an eye and shifted. Where Aria was a moment before stood a pure black panther bigger than an adult male lion.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2014 ⏰

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