Second Generation

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        My future was pretty much decided. Theories had been made on how it would end up. I didn’t know if they were correct, but they seemed to be right so far. Yes I was an alpha, like my father. I am part human, part vampire, and part werewolf. Yes I could phase like any other growing teenage Quiluete  with the gene. But thing was, I am girl.


                Not that females couldn’t phase, they could. Much like my ‘Aunt’ Leah. But the thing was, I was born to be an alpha. There has no known alpha female in the tribes histories. No one thought it could be possible. But I guess I am special.


                This special ability brought in the theory that I would share an imprint with the other La Push pack’s alpha male. His name is Mikka, he is strong, handsome, and a great leader. But that is where our parents and the elders went wrong in the equation. Whenever 2 alphas cross each other’s trails, all hell goes down. Snarling and showing teeth, you can feel the tenseness in the air. Never had anyone in the Quileute tribe had seen such a sight. To see an alpha female and an alpha male fight, many would believe they could bring the 2 once conjoined packs together once again. Yeah, bad choice.  


                This would be the first time the packs had seen each other since all the second generation pack had all phased. Everyone would come to my house for Christmas. The entire pack would be there. Sam and Emily with their kids Mikka and Avery, and yes, that Mikka. The leader of the new pack and his newly phased  sister. Jared and Kim with there only son Preston. Paul and his wife Sydney have a son named Devilyn who was always there for me. He was always my favorite. Embry and Leah have finally gotten over themselves and started to go out, making Leah seem less bitchy, but we loved her anyways. And finally there is Quil and his slowly getting older imprint, Claire.


                I have yet to see the day that even a small argument never take place at any Christmas dinner we have. It is kind of hard to avoid when you have 2 packs, 2 former alphas, 2 new alphas, a bunch of imprints and only so much food. This year should be even worse than the ones before. Mikka and myself will be glaring from each side of the table, alpha instincts. Considering how many new wolves that have phased, there are bound to get at least 1 new imprinting pair. This action can lead to fathers, and over protective brothers to get a little whiled up.


Yep that is the way the family rolls. Can’t stop it, can’t prevent it. nothing ever goes right with the Quileute packs. Except for that one time when we had a bonfire and everyone was like “Ah, just like the old days.” And then I was like, “Ya Mikka, just like the old days” and pushed him off the cliff and into the water like I always do. Yeah, that was a fun day. But anyways…


Our family had started to arrive bringing in old and new faces, or what I could see from my window up in my room. Yep, I was avoiding my mom for as long as I could. Me and my mother have little fights every once in a while. But as more people started to come the more tense I became.


My   body was not like most others. Considering the circumstances of my heritage, my appetite can vary. My main weakness is and will always be blood. Yes I can and do eat regular human food, but never does it satisfy my craving for thirst. My little brother Daniel on the other hand, cares only for human food, saving his blood cravings for drastic measures. Like when the refrigerator is empty.


                Emily and my mother had gotten together before hand and made all the food so we didn’t run out. Which usually happens, every time. Most people would look at others and say, “Damn, you eat a lot” they obviously haven’t met my family. We are like a pack or hungry wolves. Haha see what I did there? Yeah ok, I’m not very funny.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2014 ⏰

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