Object Perception

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They say a look can kill, but if that were true, I would have killed half of humanity a long time ago. I gave a particularly menacing glare to the loud blonde chatting aimlessly next to me in the hallway, earning me an “Excuse me, bitch?” and haughty hair flip.

            “Excuse you, whore.” I muttered under my breath as she sauntered past me. For some reason or another, I could never find a way to be nice to people, and why should I? It’s not like they were going to be nice to me. I walked with my head down, trying not to bring any attention to myself. Sure, I could defend myself, but I’d rather not deal with anymore life forms lacking in intellectual capabilities than necessary. Besides, I knew what they thought of me. I knew I didn’t fit in with my eggplant purple curly hair or my Sex Pistols T-shirt. I knew they scoffed at my ratty, sharpie- ruined converse and ripped skinny jeans. I knew all too well that they thought of me, but I didn’t give a single fuck about it.

            I made it to my Chemistry class early, because what was the point of walking slowly or mingling with other humans in the halls? I adjusted the ear buds hidden beneath my wild jungle of a hairstyle, making sure my teacher would never suspect I wasn’t paying attention in his class. When a song I liked came on, I sat back in my chair, closed my eyes, and enjoyed the music. Since no one was here yet to judge me, I was at peace.

            At least, I thought I was, until I got that weird feeling that someone was watching me. I didn’t really want to open my eyes, probably because I knew what I would see. Some preppy kid would be giving me “the look” and mentally be wondering what the hell I was doing. It happened a lot, so much so that I didn’t feel the need to acknowledge it anymore. I was so weird, people staring at my weirdness didn’t phase me, and it was just a natural reaction for them. This, however, was different. I didn’t know how I knew, but I could feel that the eyes of the person watching me were different than the others. Call me crazy, but when I opened my eyes, I never would have expected to see the one person I believed wasn’t judging me.

            On that day, I met Nero.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2012 ⏰

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