Criminal || Harry styles fanfic

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So this story will be in Harry's pov only :) this is kinds my first type of book like this so please bear with me:p



Chapter 1

I walked in the cold asylum, taking in my surroundings. Some people ask why I work here, I just reply that I like this kinda stuff. why do I like this stuff? well, when I was younger, I was always into this kinda stuff, my older cousin, Andre, was mental; as in killed over three people in 4 days. after the locked him up; I always wondered what was going to happen to him afterwords. they never let him out, they say he escaped, they never found him. for all I know, he could be dead. Back to reality, I'm here now, I wouldn't say I was happy here, but I'm ok with it. it's not as scary as everyone thinks it is. The criminals or what ever you want to call them, are actual not that bad, some of them don't deserve to be in here, but some truly do.

Niall: Hey did you hear who's coming in today?

Harry: No, and what's so important about this one, it's just another patient.

Niall: yeah but this girl killed over 30 people in 5 months.

He sounded more exited than usual. why be so excited? she killed over 30 people? For all we know we could be next.

Niall: come on let's go!

He pulled my arm and dragged me out side. A black van pulled out as two guards walked out of it. then she came out, her hands where cuffed, her head was down so I couldn't see her face. the two guards walked her in. She pushed the guards away, running away, when one of the guard catches her. She struggled trying to get out of there grip but failed.

Niall: wasn't how I thought she would react, most people thought she wouldn't do anything

Harry: how would you feel about it though? to be honest, I would be doing the same thing.

Niall: let's just get back to work bud.

With that we walked in the asylum again. As I walked passed a couple of cells, I passed by the new girl's one. Cell 142, I took in her features, wavy brown hair with blue eyes, she was absolutely . . . Never mind.


Lunch break came and I didn't hesitate to walk down to the lunchroom. after a while, I was sitting down eating lunch when the doors flew open revealing the same guards as earlier and the new girl. everyone was staring at her as if she just killed someone right in front of their eyes. she was ignoring the looks, not giving one care in the world. her eyes traveled to mine, locking our eye contact, I quickly put my head down and awkwardly coughed.

She sat there not eating, just sitting. Ms.holly blew her rather loud whistle signalling us that lunch was over.

Ms.holly was a strict woman, she only talks to you in public to tell you something good, but if you get called into her office, your doing something wrong and could possibly get fired.

As I stood up, Ms.holly walked up to me.

Ms.Holly: Harry may I have a word with you?

Harry: yes m'am

Ms.holly: great, listen your doing a fantastic job here with the patients, they absolutely adore you, which is why I was wondering if I can extend your hours here?

Harry: yeah sure m'am, that's no problem.

Ms.holly: Great! well I better get going.

Harry: before you leave m'am, the new patient, what's her name.

She huffed and said;

"Lisa . . . Lisa Quinn and she's an absolute criminal."

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