We now had to go through the dark mountains and we were not the happiest bunch of warriors. The dark mountains were home to a rather fierce and spitefully ferocious dragon and not to forget the eerie mountain folk that will only ever suggest they want more and more weapons!
As we approached the mountain, we found that it was completely covered in ice and snow and the snow was slowly moving of of the surface into a extremely large avalanche and at once we all shout, 'RUUUUUUUUUUUUNNN!' and pegg it full throttle away. But the avalanche was too fast and engulfed us all in a world of snow. I could not see anything apart from darkness and I could not breathe air as the snow was so thick and dense that it was air tight. At first I could not feel any pain but as I tried to move my legs to kick out at the snow, I felt a spiking pain going up my legs and through my body like poison rushing in my veins. My legs were broken and I could not breathe. It had happened so fast and I thought I was going to die but as my life flashed in my eyes, I felt a firm grip on my arm and I was pulled out of the snow and into the open. I took what felt like my first breath in years and felt a cozy warmth entering my lungs and go through my body. I looked up to see Shadow and Fortia, covered in snow and evidently cold, they shot a worried look at my legs and as I looked down to see what was bothering them so much I felt sick in the back of my throat.
There was blood all over my trousers and in the snow. A bone was sticking rather painfully out of my chin and in my other leg, there was the most unbearable pain of two ends of a snapped bone rubbing together. Trevor appeared to have broken his wrist and at the sight of this, Shadow said, 'You are to be carried the rest of the way by Fortia'. and gave a dangerous at her. She immediately took a step to me and with a look of grotesqueness picked me up. She was definitely not loving this and she was more on the loathing side as my blood trickled down her robes. I gave a short snortle as she carried me up to the middle of the mountains. I was feeling very bad vibes from this area of the mountain, as I could see sadows darting across the walls and muttering of a forren languadge. We carried on hoping this would stop but it just go worse; a large group of native mountain folk emurged from the shadows and into the light. We stopped like we'd hit a brick wall of tension as the others revealed their faces. They were wearing animal coats of alsorts of different species, some that I didn't recognise, and shabby shorts made of old wool that were ripped and shreded. Their faces were the worst, grey wrinkly voids with eyes of pure black and mouths full with yellow, cracked teeth and bleeding gums. One of them spoke, he said, 'we are the natives of the mountain and only let true warriors past our gate' he pointed towards a gargantuan rotting wooden gate at least onehundred foot high,'we will let you go as long as you give us at least one weapon.' I thought about my arrows as they were constantly replaced in my bag.'I have something to offer,' I started,'I have many arrows to give to you.' I could see what looked like a sense of humor on his face,'you fool!' he spat 'you really think you can offer us normal regular arrows we will take you to the death room silly basta-' 'hold up!' I interupted 'they are not just any arrows they are tracking arrows' I lied. I feared greatly that they would not be convinced by the idea of tracking arrows. "very well travelers" he said "we will take your arrows and let you pass with a gift of your choice." He pointed to a selection of gifts, a pebble, a jewl and a sword. All of us thought for two seconds about how these people thretened to kill us and the fact that they are extremely untrustworthy, and... "I think well pass on that one!' we all said at the same time and set off out of the mounain, unawear that the pebble was Klarggren's heart.
Now a whole new adventure awaited us...