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"come along, Sidewswipe, Sunstreaker" Skywing said as we followed him from the hosing unit in Kaon to Iacon

"where are we going, Skywing?" Sunstreaker asked

"to Iacon" he replied back

"why?" I asked

"I refuse to continue to care for unwhole spark twins, therefore you'll go to the youth sector in Iacon" Skywing said

"but isn't the youth sector gone, Skywing?" Sunny asked

"that is for me to know and you to find out. Now be quiet until we get there" Skywing said as he tranformed and we climbed into his alt mode and drove to Iacon. 

"Get out and don't follow me" Skywing told us as we climbed out and stood in a section of Iacon that was nothing rubble.

"good riddance" Skywing said as he drove off

Sunny and I knew that not many bots liked us because we shared a spark and would talk about us in front of us, thinking that we weren't smart to know what they were saying

but Sunny and I knew were just tolerated, no bot wanted us or loved us or cared for us. 

Sunny and I stood in the spot our guardian left us at while he drove away, leaving us alone in a city. 

We were abandoned again. First our carrier dies shortly after having us and than sire follows him and now this. 

"Come on, Sunny we need to leave" I said tugging on his arm

"h-he left us.." Sunny said

"come on, before we're found" I said tugging again

just than we were thrown backwards and I saw Sunny wasn't awake and that there was metal stuck in his side. 

"Sunny, wake up!" I said, shaking him but he didn't wake up

I tugged on the bond and was glad that I could still feel him through our bond.

"come on, Blitzwing leave them" I heard and I looked to see two bots walking past us. 

"please help, my brother's hurt" I yelled after them but they continued to walk away

"someone! help!" I yelled again

after a few kliks, I moved my brother and I to a secluded area and waited for somebot to find us. 

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