chapter 1: Strangers

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Kara's left with a broken heart when Mon El leaves. She's convinced the feeling will last forever. Nearly a year goes by, the thought of Mon el coming back never fades. He's still on her mind everyday. Her sister, Alex, has convinced her to go out on a few dates but none were ever serious. She constantly uses the "I'm a workaholic!" excuse whenever anyone mentioned dating. Maggie, Alex's fiance, has a new partner at the NYPD. In fact, an old friend. Detective Scott Brooks. Scott is a very charming, handsome, charismatic person. He met Maggie in training at the Academy and they instantly hit it off. This led to many memories of them training together, getting drinks after work, post breakup rants, etc. They had become best friends. But of course, all good things come to an end when they both get job offers from different directions. They both understood which is why they still kept in contact. Maggie had to admit, when she heard Scott got offered the job and he took it, she was a bit surprised. Last time they talked, which was not more than a month ago or two ago, Scott was in a relationship. But it sounded different the way he talked about the woman he was seeing. It sounded like he was really happy with this person. Things change, though. Maggie hoped they didn't change too much for the bad, since he's picking up his entire life and moving to a different location. Things did change for Scott. He had a terrible problem. One that he has no control over on the night of a full moon.

A/N: Before we get further, this story will not be a Karamel or Supercorp story. Nothing against them, just please don't read this story if you're looking for them. This will be a Kara/OC story with Sanvers, of course.

She sat at her office desk, eyes pacing from her computer screen to her paperwork. She sipped from her coffee every few minutes. The caramel swirl creamer tasted just as sweet as she wanted. A small grin broke out as she thought about her fiance, Alex. She always new how to make a good cup of coffee. Maggie still couldn't believe she was getting married. She remembers the night Alex proposed to her. She couldn't get the words out because of how much she was smiling. Maggie realized her hands stopped typing, as her gaze was straight into the wall.

"Hey there, daydreamer." Maggie heard a voice come from behind her. A smile burst to her face as she recognized the familiar voice.

"Scott!" She stood to her feet and rushed to give him a tight hug. "It's so good to see you!" Maggie cheered, stepping back a moment to take in the moment. "I've missed you, too." The old friend smiled back.

They spent the next few hours getting Scott settled in the station. She gave him a tour of the entire NYPD, meeting coworkers in the passing. Scott had to admit, it was nice here. He would have no problem coming to work everyday. By the end of the day, the newly reunited duo had been able actually solve crime on the first day. A few confrontations while they were patrolling the streets, but nothing too serious.

Now the two had just ended their shifts and were headed for a few drinks. Maggie invited Scott to come meet a few of her friends, and of course, her fiancé. She kept Scott in on the alien bar she discovered when she moved to National City. I mean, she had to have someone to talk to about it. Even if it was only once every couple months. They arrived at the bar and instantly Scott's head started pounding. He shook it off as if nothing was wrong. The pounding got worse as they walked towards the entrance. He stopped in his tracks before they reached the door.

Breath. He told himself. Just breath.

Maggie turner behind her too see what was wrong. "You okay?" She asked, uncertain of what was wrong.

"Yeah." He answered with a smile immediately. "Just had something in my eye." He lied and continued to walk forward.

As they entered the bar doors, Scott saw nothing but aliens everywhere. He could hear the chatter some were doing as they stared in his direction. "Don't worry, they stare when new humans come in. They'll get over it soon." Maggie told him as they walked toward a table Alex and her friends were at. "Hey, everyone. I'd like for you all to meet my friend Scott." Maggie greeted them with a warning smile. "Scott, this is James, Winn, Kara, and my fiancé, Alex." She smiled as she introduced them going in order around the table. As Scott made eye contact with each friend, there was something different when he met the blonde with blue eyes. He scanned her sculpture, she was very well fit and toned. She must've done something physically challenging for a living, he thought. Her blonde hair feathered her face just perfectly that made her smile shine. She was beautiful, he thought. He wasn't sure what it was that had drawn him too her, but he sure wanted to find out.

As the night carried on, the group had started a pool tournament. So far, Alex had beat Winn and was now playing against James. Winn and Kara sat at the table chatting and spectating the game. Maggie ordered two drinks for her and Scott as they sat at the bar together. "You have a good life here, Mags." Scott told her as he took a sip of his drink. "And your fiancé kicks ass in pool." He added. Maggie smiled as she looked over at Alex lining up a shot. "She sure does." Maggie smirked, taking a swig of her beer. Silence fell over the two for a moment. "What about you? We've been catching up on my life all day. How have you been?" Maggie asked with a soft smile, hoping to get her friend to open up. Scott looked at her for a second, then back to the pool game. "I've been fine." He stated plainly with a shrug. "Don't give me that bs." Maggie told him shaking her head. "Look, the last time we actually talked and had a conversation you said-" She began to speak, trying to get him to talk. "I know what I said." He interrupted, cutting her off. "We broke up." He told her, even though that's not exactly the right term to put on the situation. "It just,." He started, glancing at her. "It wasn't working out. We were too different." He said the last part softer. "I'm sorry..." His friend told him, placing a comforting hand on his arm. "Hey! Pretty boy at the bar over there!" The two heard a shout coming from the pool table. "I got ten bucks I can beat your ass in pool." Alex hollered. Scott and Maggie both broke out into a laugh. "You certainly have a keeper." Scott told her before making his way to the pool table.

The game went on and as usual, Alex won. After his game with Alex, Scott trailed his way over to Kara, who was now sitting alone at a booth staring at her phone screen. "Hey, there stranger." He announced himself as he sat down across from her. "Literally." He added with a smirk. "Oh, hi." The blonde jumped as she quickly locked her phone screen. She cursed to herself for being so impolite. "You busy?" He asked not wanting to intrude on the woman. "No, you're fine." She smiles bright as she shook her head. "So, how do you like National City so far?" The reporter asked as she shook the thought of the picture she was staring at on her phone. "It's nice. I mean, not many places I know of that have a bar of the supernatural." he chuckled slightly. "It's nice. The city and all." he finished. "It's great right? There's something new everyday." Kara replied with a soft smile. "So, what do you for a living?" he asked politely. "I work at Catco as a reporter." she informed him, readjusting her glasses. "That's nice. You'll always be in the loop on all the news." he commented with a chuckle. "So, you and Maggie been friends for sometime now?" the blonde asked after a moment. "Yeah," he nodded, "You know, I've seen Maggie Sawyer at her highs and lows." he commented, glancing over at his friend who had her arm around Alex's waist. "And right now, she's definitely at the best point I've seen. She's happy with Alex. That's all she's ever wanted." he finished with a smile as his gaze stayed on his best friend. "I feel the same about Alex. I mean, she's always looked out for me our whole lives. Now she has someone to do the same." the younger sister explained as she as well glanced over at the happy couple. "Seeing her now. Being happy with someone that loves her for her." she finished with a warm smile. The two took in a moment of joy for the couple.

"What about you? You find that special someone yet?" Scott asked with a grin, he didn't see a ring one the woman's finger. "I- " she started but closed her mouth, thinking of the right words. "I thought I did." she told him. "But things didn't work out and he ended up moving away." she stated as vaguely as possible. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to overstep." he apologized, feeling sorry for asking and bringing up unwanted memories for the woman. "It's fine, really. It's almost been a year. I've moved on." she replied, and it's almost like he could sense the lie in that last part. The two were struck out of each other's gaze when they heard a hollering yell from Winn as he cheered about finally beating Alex in a game of pool. "We should probably head back over to the group." Kara said as she began to gather herself and stand up. "Hey, Kara," Scott said softly before the two began walking back to the group. "If you ever want to talk, I'll be more than glad to listen." he said as he quickly wrote his phone number down on a napkin.

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