Part 3

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T~I like you, too
Y~Yeah whatever
T~I really do
Y~Do you promise?
T~Of course
Y~That still doesn't mean I believe you lol
T~I know
Y~Just wait till we get to school
Y~You and Marcus will have girls ALL OVER YOU.
T~Well Marcus'll be happy
Y~Yeah he will (You both start laughing)
T~I will still choose you though.
Y~I don't believe it.
T~You have serious trust issues.
Y~Well long story short....I loved this kid for 7 years and now he treats me like crap.
T~Oh ok
Y~He kinda acts like an fboy, but he really isn't.
T~Yeah well Marcus is, so watch out and warn your friends.
Y~Ok I will
(Awkward Silence)
Y~You plan on playing Soccer....I mean Football?
T~Yeah. Why is it called "Soccer" here?
Y~Because we have Football like the NFL.
T~Oh cool. What's your team?
Y~Cardinals, u?
T~I really don't watch American Football, so idk.
You guys settle on which sports team are your favorite.
《First Day of School》
T~Nice School.
Y~Yeah. I can already see some girls staring at you two.
M~None of them are hot though, like you.
T~Marcus, back off
M~Ok. Ok.
You three enter the building....

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