1.) young and dumb

3 0 0

(I'm not going to bore u with the 11-13 part but things are good as of right now she's living with her dad and happy)

Hello im kate let me introduce myself. I'm 13 in 7th grade and I live with my dad I have 2 best friends Bella and Taylor and well life's pretty good for the most part but here's my story


Beep beep Beep

I hear my alarm sounding in my ear and I slowly drag myself out of bed I grab my cloths and brush my long lightly wavy hair I throw it into a side bun on my head and add some eyeliner to my face. I look in the mirror and see my mother not mentally but I look just like her. She returned from jail about 3 months ago and well I do love her after the abuse and the hate and everything I still love her but forgiveness was never somethin I was taught as growing up on the streets is something I was since birth and that is a hard life style to shake mentally my mom's 3 rules

1.) Water is thicker then blood LOVE and DEFEND who is your own!

2.) Do what u gotta do and trust NOONE!

And the biggest one

Driller into are heads since birth my little brothers and I

But this story is all about me it's about them to

I get to school to see Bella and Taylor I go to a small school Pine Centeral High School. I went from a big city to a small country town everyone knows everyone. We go and get breakfast and I see him...Kiah he's perfect in every way he's got tan skin, and brown eyes u just fall into, his smile can light up the room and he can always make me smile.

K=Kiah B=Bella M=Me

K-" hey guys what's up"
B-" not much were doing the same thing right"
K- *laughs*
God his laugh gets me
B-" earth to kate" she says while waving her hand in front of me
M-" w--what"
K-" i said hi Kate"
M-" oh..hi sorry it's to early" I lie and he falls for it laughing again, god he's gotta stop that.
K-" hey I'll see u guys later Okay? Bye"
M/B-" Bye Kiah"

As he walks away Bella turns to me and laughs "what?" I question her "you like Kiah huhhh?" She says "maybe don't say anything thou" I say seriously "GET ITTT" Taylor yellsas were walking to first period

(Skip to the weekend)

It's Saturday well I should say Sunday it 4:32am and I'm having a sleep over with Bella and another friend Bre
We're scrolling threw Facebook when I get a notification 

Bree commented on your post

I click on it to see what it was and there I see it a thing I shared about a week ago the post says "tag someone I'd look cute with"  and there in the comments I see bree tagged him...Kiah and HE SEEN IT! With a like on the comment.

The girls went home around 4pm today.
I sit in my room scrolling threw my phone when my dad barges into the door "WHY ARE U TALKING TO YOUR MOM!!" He yells tears instantly fall from my eyes "b-because I love her" he grabs my phone out of my hands and reads my messages and when he does there's a shock he would of never expected my messages with bella...shes the only one that knows how bad I want to end my life and how bad I cut my arms. She's the only one until now. My dad pulls up my sleeves revealing a sight he never wanted to see on his baby's arms and there it was my secret revealed. He cried and then got angry "WHY" he yelled at me looking into my tearful eyes and that's when I lost it. "I JUST WANNA DIE!" I yell back at him and that's where it starts he walks out of the house silently leaving me there in my own tears. It's just another day here

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2018 ⏰

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