Chapter 1

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I swing on the swing set, thinking about the light the sun gives us. Without the sun, there would be no light whatsoever and monsters could rule the earth!

"Spencer! Lunch!" calls mom.

"Coming!" I shouted back.

I sprinted into the kitchen. It had cat wallpaper, nothing peeling off. We lived in a huge mansion, the kitchen was two times the size of a classroom. The counters were so shiny that you could see your own reflection.

"Sandwiches are on the table, sweetie." said Mom.

I trotted over to the kitchen table, ready to stuff my face with sandwiches. The table was a long, glass table that could sit 20 people if we wanted to. I bit into the sandwich, and then into another one so that my younger sister couldn't eat all of the sandwiches when she got down here. She often did that.

Our family was a three person household. Which really wasn't fit for a mansion, but Mom always told us that maybe we'd have lots of kids when we're older and we can live in this house instead of moving.

The mansion is five floors tall. We never use the top two floors, which is really a waste for all the money we payed for the mansion. Money's not a problem for us, because mom is rich. Since she's an only child, when grandma and grandpa died, she received all of their money, and they were the richest people in a 5 state radius from where they lived. They had over 500 million dollars, so we were living the rich life.

Most people envied us, and often tried to become my friend. The one thing that made them all change their mind was my number one phobia. The dark.

Nobody believes me when I say the monsters live in the dark. They really do, I've seen them. Their red eyes stare at me through my closet doors when I try to sleep at night. I always leave the light on, but when I'm sleeping my mom tries to turn the lights off. I always hear her, I'm a light sleeper luckily.

My little sister, Haley, is almost over her fear of the dark. I told her about the monsters, and that scared her for about two years. Now, she believes mom more than me. And I'm older than her, and I'm still scared of the dark!

"Mommy! Spencer took a bite off TWO sammiches!" complained Haley.

"Spencer, finish one sandwich at a time please." Scolded Mom.

I grumbled, finishing my first sandwich.

"I'm sleeping with my light OFF tonight." Haley grinned.

My eyes widened.

"Haley, the monsters will get you! Leave it on!" I shouted.

Mom stomped over,  yelling at the top of her lungs.

"Spencer, stop putting this non-sense into your sister's head! Just because you're scared of the dark, which has nothing in it mind you, doesn't mean you have to make your sister scared of it too!"

"But Mom-"

"But Nothing!" She cut off. "Go to your room, and don't come down until dinner. I'm so sick and tired of this." She argues. "We go over this a thousand times a day. Now go!"

I immediately dropped my sandwich on the floor, purposely so she'd have to clean it up.

Haley didn't know what she was getting into..

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