Moving Back

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Hi this is my first book so hopefully it'll be successful as I'm hoping , thanks for reading 💓.


"Ugh why do I have to move back with my grandparents they're not even half your age ." I said Annoyingly.

"Sweetheart I'm sure it'll be fine , and you'll have lots of fun." My mother said with that fake smile , she can somewhat pull off knowing it won't bend .

"Now hurry your father and I will be in the car waiting you can't be late for your flight."

" ahh yes , the flight something I'm definitely scared of."

She ignored statement and kept walking. I kept packing my clothes & necessaries just as before my mom came in , I never really made friends here anyways maybe this could be a new start just until school is over .

I then pick up my suit case and headed towards my room door , I glanced this one last time taking a deep breath and continuing on . I headed downstairs and out the front door , finally in the car.

"Hey are you ready ?" My Dad said with concern

"Yeah I guess" I said unsure of this .

"Well let's rock and roll." My Dad said try to get me to lighten up.

We pulled out of the driveway and I took one last look at my house I wasn't going to see for the next year. Now listening to my moms mixtape my mom and Dad both singing as if today was O so good . Then again my parents singing was kinda brightening for me , I couldn't help but laugh it was so embarrassing , I think I'm actually kinda happy I won't be here for my mom to embarrass me .

30 mins later

We've pulled up to the airport and I'm already crying , I took one last look at my mom and dad , who look like they can't hold in their emotions but I had to go I was gonna miss my flight I grabbed my luggage and headed towards the plane . I got on and it was just me , I think my parents got me a private plane . So I sat down and pulled out my phone to check if I had any notifications , one from my mom and Dad telling me how much they love me and they'll miss me . I teared up hopefully I'll be back soon I miss the embarrassment already .I said secretly laughingly myself , then some interrupted.

"Hi Miss Rivers can I get you a drink ? Or snack ?"

"No,thank you I'm not hungry I'm just gonna catch some zzz's ."

"Like mother like daughter." She said jokingly, even though my mom is a sleeper . okay Miss Rivers I'll tell you when the plane get to its destination.

"Okay thank you."

"No problem."

From then I dosed off into a deep sleep

1 hour and 30 minutes later

"Miss Rivers ?"

I heard a familiar voice say


"We've arrived."

"Ugh , kill me already."

I got up and looked around, it sure does still look the same . I climbed out the plane and headed towards the airport , upon entering there was a big sign saying "Welcome to Georgia!" scanning for my grandparents I soon spotted them .My grandmother on the left of my grandfather was smiling with her hazel eyes and white hair , next to her was my grandfather he had Ocean blue eyes as for hair he hadn't fully had the grey stage which is very unusual . I walked up towards them and greeted them both with a hug .

" I've missed you guys so much !" I said with suck fake excitement.

" we've missed you more darling ! welcome back ." My grandmother retorted

" welcome back my pumpkin patch! " my grandfather said

Something seemed off about them they're usually very gullible and O so happy to see me . Oh well I brushed it off and swiftly grabbed my luggage and headed for the exit , following my grandparents.

Once we were in the car it was quiet , at this point I was really confused because usually they'd be asking me all sorts of questions. But they didn't , something was wrong. We finally were in the drive way .

I dodged up so fast so I wouldn't have to be around the weird silence anymore. I opened the door to the house and went straight up to my room I usually stayed in . I opened the door and was very surprised to find a boy on MY bed sitting there on his phone . I was so ready to explode , I noticed the hair before I could say something he looked up . He looked rather stunned , It was the one and no other .

Harry Styles.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2018 ⏰

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