Operation RedProngs | Love

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Note: My disclaimer is Moony, Padfoot, and Prongs, which is owned by the best author in the entire universe, J. K. Rowling...

Ever since their friendship grew into feelings, Lily Asperdeen and James Velario avoided each other more often. Awkwardness made it's way every time they talked.

It was James' twin sister, Clara, who introduced him to Lily. While it was Lily's cousin, Nate, who made friends with James. After then, the four were best friends.

And those best friends called themselves the 'Marauders'.

As a big fan of the book series of Harry Potter, Clara was the one who named the group 'Marauders'. And gave each and every one nicknames.

James was Prongs.

Lily was Red.

Nate was Moony.

And she was Padfoot.

All four never pranked anyone unlike those characters they were named after. In fact, Lily and Nate preferred to have good grades. James was okay, too. Clara was the only cranky person in the group.

But, Clara isn't our main character here.

My name's Claire by the way. Claire, not Clara.

And this is how Operation RedProngs succeeded.

The date was December 18. Year 2018. It was the day when I was walking down the corridor, and tripped for the third time. It was the janitor's mess again.


I grabbed the blue piece of paper when my eyes landed on it.

"Upcoming Mistletoe Ball...December 25th...students must bring..." That's when my brain started to explode.

I ran as my feet could carry me, to the abandoned classroom. That was our headquarters.

"MARAUDERS UP!" I screamed.

James, Lily, and Nate scrambled to their feet. But I realized that I can't plan anything with James and Lily present. Or just Lily.

"Lily, drag Jonathan to this room" I ordered.

"Why?" She asked, confused.

"I need to talk to him. Period. No more questions!" I glared at her.

She shrugged and started for the door. When I peered to see that she was gone, I called James' and Lily's friends.

Once everyone arrived, Nate and James were confused.

Kyle, Carlos, and Ben were all close to James. Kyle was the closest to James. Avery, Monique, and Jay were Lily's friends. Avery was the closest to Lily.

"Now" I started "Who knows about the Mistletoe Ball"

To my surprise, everyone had a poster. The same blue paper that had the details about the ball.

"Everyone does" Kyle answered smugly.

I threw a glare at him for that.

"Now, who in this very room knows that James Deidre L. Velario has a crush on Liliana Therese A. Asperdeen?"

James flushed red, but I ignored that. Kyle, Carlos, Ben, and to my surprise, Avery raised her hand.

"How the hell-never mind. Now who knows anything about Operation Minds?" No one raised ztheir hands "Am I the only one who read The Kennedy Journal? Argh! Guys, we need a plan for Lily to like James!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2018 ⏰

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