Romeo And Juliet (My Summary Version)

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Years ago there lived in the city of Verona in Italy two noble families, the Montagues and Capulets. Unfortunately, there existed much bad blood between them. Their animosity was so pronounced that they could not stand the sight of one another. Even the servants of the house carried on the animosity of their masters. The bloody feuds of the two families led the Prince to order all brawls to cease on pain of death.

Romeo, son of old Montague, is a handsome young man. He fancies he is in love with Rosaline, who disdains his love. As a result, Romeo is depressed. To cure him of his love, his friend Benvolio induces him to attend a masked ball at the Capulets, where he could encounter other beauties and forget Rosaline. At the ball, Romeo is attracted by a girl who he learns is Juliet, daughter of the Capulets. They seal their love with a kiss. Juliet, on learning Romeo’s identity from a servant, confesses to herself that her only love has sprung from her only hate. Meanwhile, the fiery Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin, recognizes Romeo and challenges him. Old Capulet forbids him to insult or harm any guest. Tybalt vows to settle the score with Romeo later. 

That night Romeo lingers in Capulet’s garden, standing in the orchard beneath Juliet’s balcony. He sees Juliet leaning over the railing, hears her calling out his name, and wishes that he were not a Montague. He reveals his presence, and they resolve, after an ardent love scene, to be married secretly. Next morning, Juliet sends her Nurse to make final arrangements for the wedding to be performed at the cell of Friar Lawrence. The Friar, who is a confessor to both the houses, feels that this union between a Montague and a Capulet will dissolve the enmity between the two houses. 

Meanwhile, Tybalt has been seeking Romeo to avenge the latter’s intrusion at the ball. He encounters Romeo returning from Friar Lawrence’s cell. Romeo, softened by his newfound love and his marriage to Juliet, refuses to be drawn into a quarrel with Tybalt, now his kinsman by marriage. Mercutio grapples with Tybalt and is slain. Aroused to fury by the death of his friend, Romeo fights with Tybalt and kills him and takes shelter in the Friar’s cell. The Prince, on hearing of the trouble, banishes Romeo. The Friar advises Romeo to spend the night with Juliet and then flee to Mantua. Meanwhile, Juliet’s parents, believing her grief to be due to her cousin Tybalt’s death, seek to alleviate her distress by planning her immediate marriage to Paris, a kinsman of the Prince. 

In despair, Juliet seeks Friar Lawrence’s advice. He gives her a sleeping potion, which for a time will cause her to appear dead. Thus, on the day of her supposed marriage to Paris, she will be carried to the family vault. By the time she awakens, Romeo will be summoned to the vault and take her away to Mantua. 

The Friar’s letter fails to reach Romeo. When he hears of Juliet’s death through Balthazar, Romeo procures a deadly poison from an apothecary and secretly returns to Verona to say his last farewell to his deceased wife and die by her side. In the Capulet tomb, Romeo encounters Paris, who has come to strew flowers on Juliet’s grave. Paris challenges Romeo, and in the fight that ensues, Paris is killed. Then at Juliet’s side, Romeo drinks the poison and dies. When Juliet awakens from her deep sleep, she realizes Romeo’s error and kills herself with his dagger. Summoned to the tomb by the aroused watchman, Lord Capulet and Lord Montague ring their hands in anguish. The Prince listens to Friar Lawrence’s story of the unhappy fate of the star-crossed lovers, Romeo and Juliet. He rebukes the Capulets and Montagues for their bloody feud. The Capulets and Montague decide to reconcile as a result of the deaths of their children. 

Romeo And Juliet by William ShakespeareWhere stories live. Discover now