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They quickly pulled his lifeless body out of the trunk of the car ,blood was everywhere.

The thought roamed their mind they still could not believe what was going on or the fact that They let somebody persuade them to the point they would help them get rid of a dead body

We held onto his arms and legs and threw him into the whole that was about 10ft deep"I can't believe this" they kept saying to them selves but never out loud

One of them grabbed a shovel and the other grabbed the bucket of wet concrete out of the back seat. they both started to cover the body and pat the concrete down every couple of layers

There hearts was racing but that did not stop them from getting the job done

It was no time to back out it was barley time to think all they knew was that they loved each other and nothing was gonna separate them

Even if that means doing something horrible to the ones you care about!

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