Sehun (Bubble tea)

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Hi everyone!! sorry for the slow update... I promise guys, i still haven't moved on about it.... nah, i should stop talking about it it only makes me cry...

Your lovable,cute yet annoying boyfriend sehun wants you to buy another bubble tea for him.

Yah Sehun, it's your 3rd bubble tea aren't you already satisfied? you proclaimed. B-but... sehun replied. I don't have much money! i said.

Okay..... I'll buy you bubble tea... i said

. Sehun clapped his hands. But... i said cutting him off.

What? Sehun impatiently replied.

No bubble tea for the rest of the week and i won't sleep with you for 2 days! i said.

Sehun's smile immediately turned into a frown, slowly nodding and said: " I can live without bubble tea, but i can't live without you_____, by my side." sehun finished.

Why don't we just buy matching things for both of us? Sehun suggested.

But i don't have much money left.. i said. Don't worry jagiya, it's my treat, you bought me bubble tea so i'm also going to buy one for you!! Sehun proclaimed.

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