When Bandits Attack

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"Bandits! Secure the animals and the children!" One of the farmers shouted, while he loaded up his pistol. Harlow was rushing around, holding onto the hands of two terrified twins, her own children. Her husband had gone off to fight in the war, leaving her with his family and their six year old twins.

"Jemma, Justin, take care of each other and stay quiet." They were crouched in the farthest room in the storm cellar, the only light coming from the dimly-lit lantern. "Yes, mama." Jemma whispered, clutching onto her twin's hand. She kissed both of their foreheads and shut the door, making sure they were hidden and secure.

She found her pistols and loaded them before stepping out the cellar, following the sounds of gunfire and shouts. Coming into the view of two bandits, she fired at them, killing them both. The fighting continued for what seemed like hours, until everything was silent. Bodies littered the ground, some of them being her family members.

"MAMA!" Jemma's voice ripped through the air and she spun to see her children being held at knife pointed by the head bandit, Charleston. Her eyes went wide and her hands gripped her dual pistols until her knuckles turned white.

"Ah ah!" Charleston tutted, his head shaking. "You make one move and your babies are dead as my men!" His yellow teeth showed as he grinned and it made Harlow's skin crawl. "What do you want?" She growled, tears rimming her eyes, her heart slamming against her rib cage. "I want whatever treasures you're hiding, I know your husband got lucky and struck big before he left, probably running off with his money!" The bandit cackled, his grip tightening on her kids.

"My husband went to go fight in the war, and you'll never get our money!" Harlow narrowed her eyes, her grip never loosening on her guns. "Give my children back you bastard!" Venom laced her words, shaking slightly from anger. Charleston pressed the blade tighter against Jemma's neck, making the children whimper. There had to be a way to save her babies without having any of their money being stolen. Charleston's eyes went wide and his grip went away, letting her children run and clutch onto her dress.

The man's body hit the ground and standing behind him was her husband, bloody and bruised, his swords out in front of him. He had snuck up behind the bandit and stabbed him in the back.

"Nate!" Harlow launched herself into his open arms, her children following suit, clinging onto his legs. She looked up into his bright eyes, and kissed him, holding onto his waist tightly. He grinned against her lips and held him against his chest. Their family was safe and loved.

When Bandits Attack (A One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now