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"Daddy's home!!" The little girl cried with joy. He had been away for a month now on a trip with a colleague. "This is a very important trip for daddy, sweetie." She remembered her dad telling her before she left "And when I come back I'll finally understand everything." Her dad set out a month earlier to find the secrets to the universe and he was finally back. She was jumping around her mother and tugging at her clothes "Daddy's home! Daddy's home!" She kept yelling excitedly.

Finally the door slowly swung open, and her father stumbled in. He looked tired. No not tired. Dead. His eyes showed no sign of life, happiness or even a sign that they recognized this was the world. "I brought back a gift for you" He said in a monotone. A single large kitchen knife, nestled comfortably in his hand. He slowly took a step forward his body swinging to the side as if he could barely walk.

Slowly he approached his wife, the little girl was shaking. Unable to shake the feeling that something was wrong. She tugged on her mothers clothes, whimpering. "Mommy?" But her mother saw nothing wrong with her husband, and didn't hear her daughters whimpers. "What is it Honey, what did you bring back from your trip?" She asked excitedly, until the knife swung across her throat. "Oh that's wonderful dear." She choked out before she slowly faded out of consciousness.

The man slowly tottered over to his daughter, who had tears in her eyes. So petrified she couldn't even find the voice to scream. "What's wrong sweetheart?" His voice said in a cold tone that ran down her spine. He smiled at her terrified face. "Daddy's home."

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