Chapter 1: My red-tag Love!

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Author's Note: My first X Reader! I hope you enjoy this story, and thank you for reading it! You can make a request on what x Reader I should make next :D Also your reviews will be helpful to make me improve in my writing. This story is dedicated to all Hana Yori Dango, and leader of the F4 , Domyouji, lovers ! :3

Ugh. There he is, the leader of the F4, standing before me, at the school's emergency staircases, where I meet up with Rui and Makino. "Hey, bitch. Last time you gave me a good slap on the face, don't think you will be forgiven easily." Domyouji says, with a frown between his eyes. "Just leave me alone! What have I done to you?" I bark back. "(Name), you and Makino are two annoying pest, that must be thrown out this school, for defying the great Domyouji Tsukasa." He said crossing his arms, and leaning against the door frame.  "Says the frog king at the bottom of the pond." Makino adds, smirking at her own remark. 

"What did you call me?!" Domyouji answers, with an angry expression, raising his fist up, anime style. "Shut up, all of you. I cannot sleep at peace." Rui tells us, with an annoyed expression on his face, even as he stands up on his feet, and walks away from us. "Rui! Don't forget about our trip to Atami." Domyouji grins, and looks at Makino, with a mocking smile. 

"Domyouji! That is where (Name) and I are going with Kazuya for the summer vacation. Don't you DARE show up!" Makino barks out, getting up on her feet, and pointing with her finger at Domyouji.  "He did it on purpose. He wants to make our life, hell. But guess what? He can't get rid of us, Makino. After all, we are weeds who don't die easily." I remark, proudly and Makino smiles nodding in agreement. "We'll just see, about THAT." Domyouji smirks, and leaves us alone. I am glad, that me and my sister, are here to overcome all this, together. Makino, is in love with Rui, and I am kinda helping her out with her first love. Why? Because Rui seems different from the rest of the F4, although...I must confess, I feel jealous, because Makino has someone she loves, and apparently, Rui seems to like her back, even though he shows it in odd ways. 

I wonder...When will I fall in love? Is been 2 years since we entered Eitoku High School, and because of Domyouji red-tagging me last time, I have become unpopular and no guy wants to approach me. Ugh! That jerk of Domyouji!! I want to punch him hard in his face, and then bury his body under the sand--Oops. Here I go, again. Complaining, will not help the situation. I am a brave and independent woman, who doesn't need a man, to complete herself. Yes! That is the attitude, (Name)!

After school, me and Makino walk back home, but soon enough halfway through it, I find myself standing in the middle of the street, even as Rui offers Makino a ride. "Sorry, but I cannot let (Name), go home alone." Makino declines Rui's offer, but then I add "I will be fine, Makino. Rui, please take care of my older sister for me." Sorry for not telling this earlier, but Makino and I are only 2 years apart, but we are in the same class, and year, because of my brilliant mind (Genius).

Makino, asks with a concerned expression, "Are you sure? (Name)." I only nod back at her, with an affirmative bright smile, which makes her know I will be fine without her. Makino sits behind Rui, and wraps her arms around his waist, although this makes her blush. My sister is so cute. She might be tough, and an admirable woman who will not let anybody look down on her, but she is in the end...A teenage girl as me.  Even as I saw those left, I cross the street, and walk on the sidewalk, until a car parks next to me, and I stop on my tracks. A person, I very well know, comes out of this luxurious red ferrari. "You're coming with me." Domyouji said, more like he orders me, and grabs me from my wrist and pulls me into the car. "What the hell?!" I fight back, and resist, trying to release my hand from his grasp.  Damn. I can't escape his hand, I never realized how strong a man can be, but I have to keep trying! I step on his foot hard, and he let's me go, followed by a "Ouch!" scream. I laugh, and stand there, mocking his expression.

"Why you little!" Domyouji growls and I just add "Never touch me. I am not one of those women, who go under your command.  Now if you'll excuse ME? I have to get home." After saying those words to him, suddenly Domyouji picks me up in his arms, bridal style. "What are you doing?! Let me down you asshole!" I pout with all my strenght, and Domyouji just ignores me, and manages to get me inside his car, and lock all the doors, once we were inside. He starts the engine on, and drives away while I slam the window glass, next to the right, of the passenger seat asking for help. "Help! A oranguntan with curly hair has kidnap me!" 

"Who are you calling an orangutan?!" Domyouji snarls under his breath. "Stay down, or I will kiss you here and now." Those words, made a shiver go down my spine, and suddenly I found myself obeying him. (For now =.=) "You really have a way with the ladies, no wonder you're still single." I begin to tease him, and he just blushes out of anger and shouts back. "I am popular with the ladies! Many women come to me " He started off, with a lot of energy but then he said with a sad tone of voice, the last phrase "Yet..They only want the Domyouji name...Not me."

Oh. I never seen this side of Domyouji, his eyes look so melancholic, fill with pain, and loneliness. Maybe...He has never been properly loved-Whoah whoah! I am not going to feel sorry for the guy who ruins my life every day at school! Nu-Uh! No way jose. "Have you ever fallen in love?" I ask, casually, with no double meaning behind it, my eyes keep staring outside the window. The cars, and crowd of people pass by, in my view. "Yes, I have." He responds quickly, blushing, embarrassed. I could see his reflection by the mirror. "I never fallen in love or loved by a guy." I start saying,sounding more like a complain. Ugh! Why did I have to complain with him?! He must think I am stupid, and desperate. Great. I see him glancing at me, and I , of course, am ready for his mocking attitude. "There is a man that has fallen for you, but...You don't give him a chance." Domyouji said, and I gasp in surprise. What did he meant by that? I was about to ask him, when Domyouji parks the car, in front of my house. "We're here. Go inside, before your family becomes worried." I got out of his car, but the question kept bothering me, yet it was already late, and my mom would scold me for it. Makino, apparently can do whatever she wants, because mom heard she is friends with Rui, and for mom is a jackpot. She only wants us to marry a rich guy that can get us out of our economical problems. Makino, is fortunately not like mom. She loves Rui for who he is, not for what he has. I admire my big sister, because she is a fighter. I go inside the house, greet my family, and head to my bedroom across the living room; is one level apartment. I lay on the bed, after showering and changing into my pajamas. But , then what Domyouji said of a boy loving me, hits me hard in my mind, and my heart races by the thought of it. I will ask him tomorrow, what he meant. I said that to myself. Makino, came home, right on time, when I fell deep asleep.

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