Welcome home

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Mark packed up Felix's last box into Marzia's car. Mark waved as they drove off. He let out a huff of air, soon walking inside to eat. He had just woken up, by Felix, but he needed help and he was happy to oblige. Mark grabbed his phone when he heard the familiar call ringtone go off, killing the silence in the house. He picked it up, not checking who it was "hello?" He asked into the phone "dude!" He heard a loud Irish accent yell "you said you'd be at the airport by 8!" He yells and mark checks the time, it being 9. "Holy shit im sorry! I was helping Felix get the last of his boxes we just got your room cleared out." He said while slipping back on his shoes "dude dude it's fine just owe me beej later" they both fell into laughter "I'll be there in five" "ok see ya!" Jack hung up the phone. Mark slipped his phone in his pocket, along with grabbing his keys off the counter and walking out the door.
-time skip-
Mark had let jack get settled in, his boxes would be here in a couple of days. "So!" Jack yelled "about that beej! I've been stressed!" He laughed and mark laughed along "do ya a solid and give you a nice bro job." They both fell into a fit of laughter. Mark had caught onto a scent earlier, he thought it was jack but he wasn't sure he just couldn't catch onto it. "Hey can we go get some coffee or something! The coffee on the plane was shit!" He exclaimed "yeah, I'll pay and I know I small coffee shop near here." Mark informed him but jack tried to argue "you aren't paying" "yes I am" "arent" "am" jack sighed in defeat "fine whatever the.." he changed his facial expression and flexed his muscles "I'm the great markiplier and I'll pay! I'm rich!" Jack couldn't contain his laughter, neither could Mark. "just go ya goof," Mark said gesturing towards the front door, which he was holding open for jack.
-another time skip-
They had set themselves at a table for two by the widow,
Marks P.O.V
I see a couple pass by the window, and I can smell their scent, the guys and alpha and the girls an omega. I sigh and look up at jack "jack you never told me your rank.." I said and he had a look of worry "uh my parents never told me so I never found out.." he said but I couldn't tell if he was lying. "Oh well I'm an alpha!" I said flexing and he laughed at me "but it doesn't help that.." I decide if I should tell him "nevermind.." I trailed off "but after this you wanna go to bed, jet lag must be a bitch." We both chuckled "yeah, I'm really tired..IM NEVER TIRED!" He yelled "Jesus!" I said and we laughed together. Their was the strong scent coming off of jack but, I couldn't place my finger on it. He smells like baby powder, that's his scent. I've grown to recognize it since we've met each other before at PAX and such. We finally get our coffees and we leave, getting into my car. I start coughing, his scent too strong to handle. I just blamed it on the wind. I set my coffee in my cup holder. I started the car and made our way home. We went inside and sat on the couch. We turned on Netflix "you got any cookies!?" He asked and I laughed "yeah in the kitchen" I said and he got up, but I couldn't help but stare at his curves, so much like a females. I also couldn't help the growl the left my throat. Jack turned around and looked shocked, and I slapped my hand over my mouth "I'm sorry,." I apologize "don't worry it's probably just your senses or something" he shrugged, disappearing into the kitchen. He came back with cookies and he sat beside me "I really am sorr-" "I said it's fine" he interrupts and I just nod.
30 minutes into the movie and Jack is scratching his skin and wiggling around everywhere "are you okay?" I ask and he nods "yeah it's just sooo hot in here.." he complained I chuckled but was soon cut off by the scent the washed over me, he was in heat, he was a fucking omega. I growled unintentionally and he whimpered "Jack-p please just go into your room and fucking lock yourself in it!" I yelled but Jack shook his head "GO!" I yelled and he hurried  down the hallway into the room, locking the door after.
Third P.O.V
Marks pupils covered up almost all of his eyes and he was struggling to get up the stairs, his erection making it hard to do anything "SEÀN UNLOCK THAT FUCKING DOOR!" He yelled, his sent was surrounding him, and he was unintentionally bucking his hips against the stairs. He finally was able to gain enough control to get up to the door. He started slamming himself against the door "SEÀN!" He yelled but jack only gave a whimper. In the bedroom Jack could feel his entrance gushing out slick. He pulled off all of his clothes to relieve the heat and burning sensation he was feeling. He was desperately fingering himself, it hurt so bad. The alphas scent making it worse "a-alpha!" The smaller weakly mewled "UNLOCK THE GODDAMN DOOR SEÀN!" this sent Jack to the door, unlocking it, soon being pushed back by the door. Mark was hovering over Jack, soon ripping all of his clothes off "m' gonna make you mine!" He yelled making jack whimper "yes alpha!" "Alpha..
Your alpha!" He said possessively "yes alpha" jack moaned.

A/N- y'all I finally had motivation but now I wanna watch Netflix again so there will be more in the next chapter!

alpha? a/b/o septiplier smutWhere stories live. Discover now