In the event of...

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In the event of total atomic annihilation, read this! Did you know there was this entire thing with fedoras during WWII that said if you had a fedora and a nuclear bomb was dropped in a view-able area, then to make sure that your hats shadow covers your eyes. I found that pretty interesting and due to long-lasting obsession of Fallout I always carry a hat and sunglasses with me. If you've been reading and following for this long then you know my mind is VERY screwed up. Nothing else to be added, just that. Did you know that Hiroshima and Nagasaki should still be radioactive but the bombs were detonated in the air so, science. Also, Kokura, Japan, was the original target of the atomic bomb that hit Nagasaki. So, those are a few cool facts I got from

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2018 ⏰

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