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"Do you love me, Lou? Did you ever loved me?" I asked him with shaky voice. My whole body was shaking, I was just so impatient.

"I... " he came closer to me, breathing heavily.

"Please." I don't even know why am I speechless and so full of words right now.

I don't know why am I even here, in first place.

He looked at me with his bright blue eyes and gave me a sad smile. "I would never love someone so worthless like you, Harry."

fanfic, where louis and harry used to be best friends but when harry came out from closet and started dating boy, they separated their ways and went to different high schools. one thing lead to another and suddenly, they were in the same high school, but now popular louis is acting like he never knew harry and even worse, starts to bully him.

two years later and their whole world will crash again.


this fic contains smut, fluff, angst (holy trinity right here :D), anal sex (obvs), daddy kink, drugs, alcohol etc.

okay you've been warned, let's go!

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