Dream Zero

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A/N Sorry for the short first chapter, its meant to be a prologue! Ty!

I'm stuck.

In this endless loop, that circles around and won't stop until I want it to keep going.

And it's torture.

It was like she was this character drawn on a whiteboard against her already weak will, with little sprinkles of, floating, fuzzy dark cyan and cherry blossom pink dots surrounding her.

And then, when her marker ink sunk in, they wiped her off the face of the board, taking away the little dots and the empty white with, until she was thrown back and erased again.

But here I am.

She wandered along aimlessly, knowing well enough that she was soon to be slapped on reality's sleeve once again.

So she might as well do what she'd always do to wait; walk close enough to feel the warm fluffy feeling of the pink and blue dots that were doing the same thing as her; or rather, what they weren't doing—anything. So, to the contrary and to much of everyone's confusion, she was doing nothing.

She liked the blue ones, they were alright, but the pink ones are even better, the same color as the jacket she wore everyday across the city streets and to the big building—the one where she was given one tight space in one tight room to have a computer and edit and send (then repeat) her photos that she wished she could take more often.

Doesn't being a photographer mean that you get to click the button and shoot the photo, rather than click the mouse and shoot those emails away?

She was clueless, and she knew that she was, about all that stuff, but what she did know was that she didn't spend all that time studying photography if she wasn't going to grow up doing...photography.

But in these dreams, there was nothing more than an endless expanse that somehow, seemed more interesting to snap a quick picture of rather than the alive one. The one where there were always cars honking, streets filled, not enough trees, never quiet, but it was never worse than the horrible feelings the dream sent crawling around her until it landed smack on her heart.

Now she just had to wait.

What seemed to be centuries went by heartbeats in the real world, but she didn't know. Sakura Haruno was dumbfounded as she saw that monster, for a quick second, which lasted forever in her mind.

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