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Co-Writer-insane beyond belief

Alex's POV

"H-hey u-um B-blair, are you OK because these past couple of days you have been acting well sorta strange."

I looked over at her. She had her usual board expression that I am pretty sure is imprinted onto her face.

"Tch. I am fine. And I haven't been acting weird lately, you have probably just been seeing things." She reached her hands in the bag of hot Cheetos and took and handful and (not to my surprise) shoved all of them in her mouth.

"No. I am serious Blair, you have been acting wired!"

Blair's POV

Why won't this girl get the fact that I am not acting strange through her head. I started to blush again. 'Oh crap, I am acting strange!'

"Well, hopefully you find out soon enough." I said in a hushed voice but to my disappointment she had heard me.

"What do you mean I will find out soon enough? Your my brosis, you can tell me anything." She said softly.

Something washed over me and I leaned my face in so that our lips were an inch apart.

Alex's POV

I was in shock. Blair's lips were an inch from mine?

Suddenly she raised her hand and slapped me in the face.

"Ow! Why did you do that?!" I said while pain erupted all over my face.

"Because you are annoying and would not shut up. I am fine! So do not ever question what I say again!

I felt bad for slapping her. Wait I don't!

"ALL I WANTED TO KNOW WAS IF YOU WERE OK!" She yelled with rage.

I started laughing hysterically. Then I punched her in the stomach.

"Don't. Question. Me. Ever. Again!" I growled through my teeth.

She started laughing to. I grinned exposing all my teeth.

"That's my girl.. Laughing at their own pain. I knew my teachings would pay off."

"Your teachings always do." She chuckled.

I grabbed more hot Cheetos and shoved them in my mouth graving their taste.

"I have an idea." She smirked suspiciously.

"Tsh. Ok.. What is it?" I said with my board tone.

"Lets play Truth or Dare!" She said grinning.

I nodded my head agreeing.

Third Person

Will this unforgiving game of Truth or Dare provide both girls with vital information.?

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