Twilight saga: Midnight Stars

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Iris P.O.V
Some people some people have happy beginnings and endings, but I had neither happy beginning nor ending. I didn't find my happy nest till my life was over, but it took 514 years to find it. I was born in the 1500s .My mother died why'll giving birth to me and my father didn't let me forget it.My childhood was terrifying my father abused me and made my life a living hell any chance he had. For taking away the only person he cared about my mother. Later on when I was 14 he found love again to a beautiful young woman named Kaya she had long blonde hair and green eyes that sparkled in the light. She had a son Jason only two years younger than me (12) he had blonde hair and brown eyes with freckle across his face, but later on my step mother figured out about my fathers monstrous ways she took Jason and ran way. Leaving me with this monster I had called my father. He blamed me for her leaving. The abuse got worse and worse by day. So at the age of 17 I did what my step mother and Jason I ranaway. When I ranaway I didn't look back at the little house and had no idea were to go or what to do. I was dirty,homeless,starving, but free. That one word only four letters so small but so powerful. I have wanted to be free since I could remember probably even before that. When I was 19 I met the handsomest man I have ever seen. His name was Hector he had Brown hair that was perfect and chocolate brown eyes. I will always remember the first words he spoke to me. "Why is such a beautiful lady walking by her self.", he said in a smooth voice. I remember his words made me blush. He gave me food and let me stay at his house. I remember has time past I started to feel loved and wanted something I really never had. At the age of 20 he asked for my hand I marriage. I said yes of course only two months later I was walking home from small market that only saled cheese,goats milk, and fabric. When I realized to men we're following me. I started to walk faster I turned around to see if they were still following me but, all I saw was one of the men starring down at me I turned around to try to run but, I just ran in to the other man that was once be hide me. The man pushed me away from him and said "Who gets her first.". They pushed me around but I fought back and yelling for help but no one came and to week to fight them. I thought I was surely going to die.Then I saw a young man in his late twentys had sandy blonde hair,skin pale white. One of the men turned around to look at the man with sandy blonde hair. The man with sandy blonde hair looked down at me and looked back at the man, and in less than a second had the man on the ground screaming in pain and then he was silent in seconds and the same for the other. Then looked at me one last time and ran off. Laid there for an hour in the pouring rain. When I got up I realize my clothes were all torn up and I would have couple bruises the next day. I walked back to the house. Still thinking of the man I wanted to thank him for probably saving my life. When I got the house I realized Hector was still at work. So I went to put on another pear of clothes ,and threw the clothes I was wear in to fire not wanting to tell Hector about what had happen. When he got home from work he asked about my bruises I told him I fell down. A several months later me and Hector had our first child we named him Thor he had blue eyes like me and dark brown hair like Hector. 4 months later I came home to Thor in Hector arms lying there life less. I remember the first tear that came from my blue eyes it rolled down my check then fell to the floor. I asked Hector what happened he said he came back from chopping wood and found him this way. Only two weeks later Hector and I were walking in the meadow deep in the woods. He stared in my eyes has I did his. He moved his hand toward my cheek and brush my cheek with the tips of his fingers. We moved are faces to each other's our lip about to touch. When he slipped his hand to my neck and lifted me off me feet. I tried to pull his hand from my neck and I struggled to get free when he threw me ,and I slammed against a rock head first. When the blood started to roll down my face. I was gasping for air. Trying to scream but I couldn't it was stuck in my throat. My scream was trying to break . When everything started to spinning. I saw Hector walking towards me and pulled a dagger out of his pocket, and slit my neck once then twice. I tried gasping for air but there was no use. Then he jabbed the knife in my stomach five times. I prayed for the pain to stop which in minutes it would I would lie here life less. The last thing I herd was his voice so wicked " Sorry it didn't work out, but how does it feel to lose something you love like your child or have someone leave you that you thought loved you? Your father will be pleased with me.". I saw him walk off. Now I knew my father had this ending planed out he knew I was going to run away. So he put me thought the pain he went threw. I'm just pleased I don't have to live trough that. With a dead child, a husband who didn't love me, a mother and brother that left me, and a father that wanted me dead, and so his wish came true. Then I remembered the man with sandy blonde hair that saved me. I wish I could tell him thank you cause so far he is the only one I knew that cared about me. A stranger a man I never knew safes me. I was happy to die knowing someone cared about me and him being my last thought. When I saw a blurry figure in the distant coming closer and closer. I was praying it was Hector so he just get this over with and not having to lie here in pain. When I realized it was Jason he didn't change much he only looked 16 when he had to be 19. He bent down lift up my right arm then bit it and mumbled something. The pain was terrible and unstandable ( Un-stand-able ). The pain was so strong it made me move when I couldn't even left up a figure 5 seconds ago. 3 days later Jason said I was a vampire he made me laugh thinking he was kidding. When he took me to a near by stream and told me to look at my reflection. So I did had told I saw my eyes the eyes that were once blue but now red has blood, and my face,arms,legs pale pain. That was when I knew what he said was true I was a vampire. That also explained my why my senses were stronger, why I was so strong and fast. All this made think what I could do to Hector and my father, but the last thing I wanted to do is see there faces again or be the monster they were to me. So later that day I had my first hunt. I hated the fact that I had to kill humans cause I was hungry, but Jason always told my things relay on thing to survive. It never bothered Jason that we killed people. The next we found out something that confused me and Jason. That I can generate purple domes and balls. That when you touch them they cause you pain and you can not pass threw the dome. When time passed I learned how to control it. I could stretch the dome farther and that I can control the size and numbers of the balls. I also learned how to shoot the balls out of my palms. In 1643 me and Jason were passing threw Italy. When we came apon a very large and powerful group of vampires, but there were 3 of them that stood out Aro,Marcus,and Caius. Aro was quite fond to my gift. He like the idea of me keeping him safe if anyone were to turn on him, and to cause pain was a bonus for him. So Aro offered me and Jason a spot to be part of the volturi guard. I didn't have any interest for volturi, but Jason liked the idea of having power so I agreed . I was very uncomfortable to be around these men. Cause after my human experience with men, and Aro respected my space. My job was to be bate like Heidi, but I was the one to train the one or two newborns that volturi choose to keep. Cause my power could prevent me from be torn to pieces. Plus most of the time after feeling the shocking pain of my power they won't do what they did wrong again, and the newborns who couldn't keep our secret or powers were not to Aros interest or strong enough I was the one to execute them. Aro was proud of my use of power, but just because he was proud didn't mean I was. Then I realize what the volturi was doing to me they were making me the monster I didn't want to be. In the early 1700s Aro introduced me to member of the Voluri. His name was Carlisle. Aro explained his diet to me, and I quickly became interested in his diet. So I asked him questions about his diet and his ways. Later that week I asked Carlisle to take on my first hunt for animal blood. I could tell Carlisle was pleased to have some to share his interest with. I got use to his diet very quickly. Although it was not as satisfying has human blood it was enough to keep me strong enough to train the newborns. I told Jason about the diet but he didn't show any interest. Has days past me and Carlisle became very close friends. He start to be an older brother to me, but Aro first saw it has me and Carlisle beginning to become mates. Till he read my and Carlisle minds and saw we had no interest in each other that way. Two decades later Carlisle left, but I still kept my diet. Aro tried to persuade me into my old diet, but I refused. 5 years my brother lost interest in the Volturi like Carlisle. So we asked him for our freedom. Aro said yes but if he were to need me I was to come back. 15 years later my brother feel in love with a human. So he left me for 3 months to be with her. When he comes back he introduce me to his newborn mate Veronica she had strait black hair and tall and beautiful. Couple weeks later the Volturi gave me,Jason,and Veronica a visit. Aro ask Jason "does she know about the child" Jason said "no". I stared at Jason confused. Right then Aro grab my wrist, and said "he is telling true" . That was when Alec and Demetri grab me and held me back. Jason said "the child is not immortal child he was born when Veronica was still human." . Veronica stood next to Jason when a little boy popped his head from behinded legs Veronica. "He is part human and vampire listen to his heart and you can feel his warm." Veronica said in a sharp and panicked tone. That was jane said "pain" they fell to there knees. "STOP!STOP!STOP!", I yelled, but she didn't stop. When a man said "Aro she is right the child has a heart beat." . That was when claius and Marcus ripped of there heads then arms and jane threw the boy in the fire . I scream in pain. Aro and Claius smiled. Claius has always loved violence and became addicted to power. Aro turn to the man " Eleazar were you saying something?". The man name was Eleazar he could get killed for what he just did but, didn't . That was a when woman walk up to Eleazar and layed her head on his arm. Eleazar said nothing. Then Aro turned to me and asked me one thing " would you like to come back with us" I couldn't believe that he would ask me that after he just killed my brother and his mate and child for something they never did. I shook my head. Alec and Demetri threw me to the ground, and they all ran off. I stayed there with my brothers and his mates and the littles boys ashes.

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