Started With A Wish

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CHAPTER 1~ Killed By Italian

I sat back and looked at the beautiful night sky. Something was twinkling bright and made me instantly jump up. The stars were shining bright but this one in particular was brighter. It was moving insanely fast and it was incredible. shooting star.

These things only come every 8 years, am I right? I knew time was limited. So, I did what any kid would do - I made a wish. Being 10 years old, I was a dreamer. At ages like these - we all are.

"Star light, so bright, in this beautiful night - I wish I may, I wish I might - have this wish I'm wishing of tonight." I said to myself.

I took a deep breath.

"In 8 years I wish to meet the love of my life. He'll be handsome and charming and sweet and kind. He'll be everything a girl wants. Fate bring us together when we're older. I want him and I to be starstruck on love. Please." I said with my eyes directly on the star.

Slowly I closed my eyes and sent a kiss to the heavens.

Please, I thought.

*  °  *

*8 years later*




  My phone buzzed and woke me up. Good thing I don't have an alarm clock. I despise of those. Last one I had I smashed to bits and pieces because it woke me up on a SATURDAY! My mom was a bit mad but hey - it was annoying.

"Charlotte! Are you up?" My dad asked.

"Mmn." I groaned.

"Charlie!" He said calling me by my nickname.

"I'm up!" I yelled.

"Okay." He said." Breakfast in 30."

  I rushed to the bathroom before Adrian my brother went inside. He's my twin brother. Funny thing is: we look nothing alike. I got my mother's pretty brown hair and chocolate colored eyes. He got our dad's black hair and green eyes.

  I looked in the mirror and sighed. Average teenager look. Or average nerd look. I quickly showered and got out before I stayed in too long. Throwing on an oversized sweater and skinny jeans with a plain shirt underneath I headed downstairs.

  "Good morning Charlie. How are you," My mom asked.

  I took a bite out of my french toast and gave her a thumbs up. I don't talk much. My nose is always in a book and the rest of the world just leaves me alone. I'm just too shy. I'm stuck like this.

"Okay sweetie. Need a ride?" She asked smiling.

I stood up and drank my orange juice.

I shook my head.

"Okay then. Be safe," She said and handed me my keys.

I nodded and walked to the door.

"Sis," Adrian said as I walked down the driveway.

I hummed in response.

"Tell Darcy I said hi. Oh and don't let anyone push you
around," He said heading towards his car.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2015 ⏰

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