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I couldn't move. Every bone, ligament, and muscle hurt more than being on the tail end of a Blast-Ended-Screwt. The curse hit me again and I heard myself scream, could feel it in the back of my throat.

I wanted to die.

In that moment, it sounded like my best and only option. I tried so hard to let myself slip into the darkness that I knew was my only way out of the pain.

It never came.

Instead, I heard a voice...

his voice.

It sounded so far away, but even then, I could detect the panic in his voice. Knowing he was there, was the only thing that kept me conscious.

I could see her leave me, pathetically lying on the floor. I saw Griphook being dragged into the room by Peter, then unceremoniously shoved onto the floor, kneeling in front of Bellatrix.

Nothing else registered in my head until I say her walking towards me again. I braced myself for the pain that never came. She was about two feet away from me when she was shot back by something.

I struggled to open my eyes completely but when I did, he was there, standing, wand in hand, with Harry right beside him.

Flashes of white and blue light blurred past me as I watched in horror, the duel that broke out in the huge room.

Before I knew it, I was being dragged to my feet. I tried to scream his name but all that came was a scratchy whisper that didn't even sound like my voice.

All movement stopped at the sound of her shrill voice.

"Drop your wands!" her voice cut through the air, shrill and almost proud sounding as she held the knife to my throat.

Everything went black after I felt the first bead of blood trickle down my throat.

The next thing I know, I'm being pulled out of a pile of rubble right into a pair of strong arms that wrapped around my fragile frame.

"Hermione? It's me, I'm here, you're safe." Ron's voice echoed through my head once again pulling me back into consciousness.

Hey Guys! So first one-shot isn't long, I know, but I had this idea in my head for a while and wanted to get it on paper. It is somewhat canon and AU. I like doing one-shots in Hermione's and Ron's point of view as it allows me to explore more details and feelings. Hope you all enjoyed!

Please comment and give suggestions. I would love some new, cute ideas for one-shots that have never really been done.

Anyway...see y'all!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2018 ⏰

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