Turning a New Page - Oneshot

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Nothing unusual was in her surroundings, it was all mundane, the grey of ordinary life blurred past her as the lives of others barely brushed by her consciousness. Love - such a foreign concept, she found herself wondering if other people felt warm inside when they smiled instead of her periodic bleakness. She had given up on positive emotions, everything she'd tried from pleasures to entertainment just didn't work anymore. She wanted, no, needed a different way to achieve her high.

Of course she wasn't going to choose an unfortunate path such as drugs or drown herself in alcohol like most of the population, what she wanted was the thrill. The thrill of something new, maybe something that hadn't been achieved before... Her mind wandered as her eyes stared off into the distance a glazed look in her eyes.

Out of the corner of her eyes there was a couple, holding hands whispering sweet nothings into each other's ears as they secretly smiled and softly pecked each other on the lips. She turned from the display of affection feeling all the more empty. Absentmindedly she wondered what would have happened had she created her own web of lies - thinking better of it, she knew it would have been tedious work to keep up the charade.

The evening air was buzzing with the low stifling energy of summer, autumn was approaching fast and the once brilliant emerald leaves began to turn the shade of burnt orange. A small dog barked as she passed within its sight, the same old routine with the same reactions. Where was the child like curiosity she once held as a child? It had left her, slipping through her fingers like water - an inevitable change.

A soft melody floated through the air - there was once a time when she would hum along and follow the tune to find out who played and a horizon of questions would open up. She was alive yes, but was she truly living? She was just going through the motions of daily, ordinary life. That wasn't living, or at the very least, experiencing the kind of life she wished for.

A flyer flew into her face from a strong gust of wind, the paper crisp and fresh. She looked around and the street had begun to empty, a few people aimlessly wandering or ambling towards their destinations. She took a Glance at the flyer -

But before she could read anything a hand snatched the paper out from her sight a handsome face with angular features entering her line of vision. He had a calculating gaze in his coal black eyes although the tinted glasses he wore hid the intent behind them. A baritone voice spoke, and as if detached, she faintly understood the man in front of her was talking to her.

"-apologise. I didn't mean to be so abrupt and rude in taking the leaflet back," he adjusted his glasses ruffling his waves of sculpted hair. "Are you quite alright miss? You look a bit pale."

"Y-yes, sorry I'm just a bit off balance..." I was surprised at my own voice, it felt like I hadn't talked in so long. Maybe I hadn't - after all there's not many people I talk to anymore. Getting lost in her own thoughts, the man had analysed her appearance and quirked an eyebrow at her response. Even so, he nodded and spoke a low goodbye, the leaflet dropping from his suit onto the Tarmac before her.

The sun was setting as a crimson and fire blood orange bled into the sky, the hot colours reflecting on the leaflet - an ominous, foreboding feeling layered her curiosity. A curious hand snaked to pick up the piece of paper reading the small print on the front - she was shocked.

'Willing Human participants required for a scientific experiment - Please fill in application form below'

The dates and places for such gatherings was listed on the paper including that all accommodations would be sorted out. The only thing you needed to be was healthy (not necessarily fit - it could be counted into another variable of the experimentation) and have the basics of writing, reading and speaking down. She found the last specifications odd but a chill - Or was it a shiver of anticipation? - run down her spine. This was her chance to grab the thrill, to do something that would give her that rush of adrenaline. Her blood pumped as the rhythm of her beating, pounding heart could be felt through her rib cage.

The sun had nearly set and the darkness of dusk had begun to set in - with a face of determination she decided - she was going to participate and if all went well she could reap the benefits if not... She would have to live with the consequences. With a new goal in mind, her stride was purposeful, until she reached her goal and found what was on the other end of the proverbial bridge.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2017 ⏰

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