Chpt. 1 Love At First Sight

493 11 14

Garroth's POV.

I was walking to a bar in witch I usually attend every Saturday. I walked in and sat at my usual spot at the bar.
"Hey bartender" I said looking like a cowboy in the old Wild West movies. "Give me the usual".
See I'm known around these parts as a rich handsome man that sometimes over reacts to things. By sometimes I mean
a lot of times I guess but let's just keep that between you and me.
By the time the bartender gave me my drink and I started to make my way over to the pool table my senses kicked in.
I should explain I LOVE doors like their always so beautiful and authentic. But when a door is in need I usually have this thing that rings in my ear like "GO SAVE YOUR LOVE", and a map just pops into my head like poof.
So I go ahead and leave the bar and follow the map in my head. Once I get to my destination I realize it's an old junk yard in the middle of San Francisco.
So I start looking around for this door in distress.
He get it door in distress - damsel in distress. Ok I'm done
I turned a corner and saw this beautiful door. It was a white with a golden nob with a window in the middle I just want to go up to it and kiss it right now.
Now you see I have never like asked a door out or taken one home,
If you know what I mean 😉
, but this one I might do both who knows but first I need to help this door.
So I go up to the door "Are you alright", I said in a kindly manner.
".......", said the door in a sad full tone.
" I am so sorry for this happening to you and by the way your a beautiful door", i said then a wink followed.
The door blushed super affective.
"Well how about we take you back to my place and we can get you to start feeling better shall we"
I carried the door to my car and placed her in the passenger seat with care, so with that I shut the door and walked around to the drivers seat, hoped in, and carefully drove away back to my house to maybe get to know the door a bit.


Hoped you liked it was 403 words and that is a lot for a lazy person like me

- The Amazing Author of this Story

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