My First Day At Maijima Private High School

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Your P.O.V

I flutter my e/c eyes open and closed for about a minute until making my way out of bed. It was the first day of my new high school, and boy was i not excited. I had just moved into a small apartment from h/t to live here, alone, for personal reasons.
I turned on my tv and made myself toast as well as washing my face, brushing my teeth and putting on my new school uniform. At my old school I had no friends, mainly because i never talked to anyone and probably because I was always playing an otome game on my phone so they all thought i was some lonely weirdo. I've always had trust issues and whenever someone would get close to me I would always find something I didn't like about them and push them away. I've had an interest in only 3 boys, all 3 being years ago, years before I found out about 2D boys. All ended with the same feeling, heartbreak. Once i had finished scoffing down my breakfast, I cuddle up on the couch and start playing one of my many otome games for a little while seeming I had spare time until walking to school.

- time skip -

( at school )
My apartment wasn't far away from school so the walk wasn't as long of a distance as from my last school. I headed to class 2-B and waited to be signalled in by the teacher,
"Please welcome our new exchange student, Y/N  L/N, please make her feel welcomed," the teacher addresses the class and turns to face me, "You may go sit over in that seat there." The teacher points to an empty seat. Everyone that was currently in the classroom was surprisingly looking at me, except for this on boy, he was looking down at what seemed like a PFP, 'a man of wisdom, playing games in class' I chuckle to myself. I arrived at my new dest and plopped down, looking around at the people who sat next to or near me, one of which scooted over and greeted me,
"Hello there! My name is Elsie nice meet you!" Her voice was full of energy, it made me feel somewhat happy?
"H-hello Elsie! My name is Y/N, Y/N L/N, nice to meet you.." I try to sound happy but it comes out more awkwardly
she starts to fiddle with her skull shaped hair clip..
"I'm so sorry" she says while dragging the guy with the PFP with her out the classroom.
How weird
How strange
I wonder what that was about.
They both entered again and sat back down, it seemed like they both tried their hardest to ignore me.
I ruin everything without even trying...

- Time Skip -

Half the day it felt exactly what it was like when i was back at my old school, boring and lonely. It was finally lunch and I forgot my food. 'No one to talk to, no food to eat, at least I have my many dream gu-'
As soon as i pull my phone out it flashed the 'out of battery' logo.
I slump down on a bench not knowing someone was there.
"I'm so sorry!" I jump up and start apologising to the guy that I sat on, turns out it was the guy from before.
"Are you always on that?" I ask.
He looks at me then returns to his game.
Click click click click click
No response
"What are you playing?"
Click click click click
Getting bothered by not getting a response I look over his shoulder to see what he was playing, he was playing a cute dating sim.
"Oh cool! I've seen that dating sim before- is it good? I know it may seem weird b-" oh god- this is why i don't open my mouth, this is why nobody likes me....
"It could be better, the options are very simple and the story line is like a lot of others I've played, but i like the concept of the main character." He says with no expression,
I just stood there, looking over her his shoulder scanning over the text that pops up in less than a second. Getting tired of standing I start to squirm, the brown headed male didn't even take his eyes off his device but scooted over just enough that i could sit down and still see what he was doing.
Option after option after option
Not a word said, only the sound of other people talking and small clicking noises,
finally breaking the silence "i wish i had a PFP.. With everything going on i can only afford my (random gaming console) and phone- which always go flat" I pout. - (greedy oof)
"You like dating simulations?" Still managing to focus on his game he says.
"Well.. Uhm... yeah, I love them, the guys are so perfect it's hard not to" I grin thinking about it.
"My name is Y/N, Y/N L/N by the way"
"I'm Keima Katsuragi"


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