Chapter 1: Happiness....... Covered by Darkness

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January 28th, 1979

A clear, sunny day, with a slight chill, but not terrible for the time of year. The morning was quite peaceful, the quiet hum of vehicles in the far distance, the rustling of branches, patter of melting icicles. The sun just reaching the top of the small, one story cabin, far from any civilization. But that's how the people within the cabin preferred, a quiet life, one without worry; well the only worry being whether or not their teal door clashes too much with their red shingled roof, or if the natural tones of the wood making up the walls and porch even the teal and red out. But the quiet morning wouldn't last much longer, as a tabby cat approached the cabin, seemingly coming from nowhere.

The cat walked up to the teal door, and began to meow and claw at it, attempting to get the attention of the cabin's occupants. Within the cabin the occupants, a man and a woman, slept, that is until the man heard the faint meow from outside. The man, with messy blonde hair and bleary eyes, bolted out of the bedroom to open the front door for the cat, "I am terribly sorry Minerva, I didn't think you would be arriving until later in the day."

The tabby cat entered the the small one bedroom cabin, with a stern look towards the man, with that the man closed the door. With the door closed the cat started the grow into a woman with light brown hair with grey streaks pulled into a tight bun, a forest green skirt and white blouse covered by a beige cloak, and rectangle glasses perched on her nose. The woman turned towards the man with a stern look, "I strictly remember saying I would arrive at ninesharp, and it is nine Mason," the woman looked the man, Mason, up and down taking in his appearance and apparel, "You are usually very punctual, has something happened?" Concern suddenly washed over the woman's angular face.

Mason's eyes widened, as he frantically responded, "No, no, everything's fine Minerva, Odie just forgot to mention when you would arrive, and I assumed, I am terribly sorry."

The woman, Minerva, relaxed and a small smile took over her usually stern face, "How is Odessa doing, she hasn't felt too much pain? No major mood swings?"

Mason's face lit up with joy, "Not at all, she is doing wonderfully, except for the fatigue, but she doesn't mind that much."

Minerva let out a joyous laugh, something that doesn't seem to be a habit of hers, "She does like her sleep-"

Mason cut her off with a bark of a laugh, "Like, more so love, I swear she loves sleep more than she could ever love me!" Minerva laughed again, knowing that those words were too true, but with a gasp of pain coming from the bedroom both stopped laughing as worry and horror consumed their faces.

"Odessa!" Mason and Minerva exclaimed as they ran into the bedroom to find a woman, younger than the other, standing in a puddle, doubled over in pain.

Mason took a cautionary step towards the young woman, fear and excitement replacing his worry and horror, "Odie?"

The young woman, Odessa, looked up at him, with tears of excitement and pain glistening in her hazel eyes, "Mace, my water broke, our little one is," she let out a gasp in pain, "coming!" The tears came running down her face, though whether from pain or happiness is unclear, most likely both.

Minerva rushed towards Odessa with that, "Oh! My dear, we must get you to St. Mungos immediately," worry evident in her voice, as shaking hands found their way to Odessa's shoulders.

Odessa smiled weakly at the older woman, "Of course mom, why don't you and I go there now, and Mace can meet us with the overnight bags."

"Quite alright dear, I will let them know you are on the way Mason." With that the two women disappeared leaving the man alone to grab two bags that were placed by the bedroom door, then he too disappeared.

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