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Setting: We are at Zelena's barn. Enters a blue liquid that came from an urn. The blue liquid suddenly transforms in a blonde woman with a blue dress. She takes her blue glove off and destroys the urn. Then walks out of the barn.

The blonde woman: Now I shall have my revenge.

Setting: We are in the Emerald City of Oz. There are four characters the scarecrow, the lion, tin man and a man in his early 20s. He has medium auburn hair, wears blue robes of a sorcerer, wears an old wizards hat, and wears has silver boots on his feet.

Lion: Are you going to be in OK in the new land Joseph.

Joseph: Yes I will. My only vulnerability is I will not be able to use my magic. This is a land without magic.

Tin Man: Well magic did kill your husband Jack. Maybe its for the best.

Joseph: It is but Zelena killed him and she must be destroyed.

Lion: How are you going to destroy her if you don't have magic?

Joseph: I don't know but she might not have her magic either. I got to go now. I will miss you all. (Hugs them and clicks his heels 3 times and disappears in silver mist)

Setting: We are in Granny's Dinner, when they are celebrating the birth of Prince Neal.

Emma: Regina please don't be mad at me I'm sorry. I just wanted to save her life. I didn't mean to hurt you.

Regina: How would you feel if I brought back Milah so I can save her from Rumpelstiltskin knowing your relationship with Hook.

Emma: Um...Well..

(Suddenly silver mist appear in the middle of the dinner. The mist clears and shows Joseph)

Joseph: Oh...Um...Hi?

Snow: Who are you? Where did you come from?

Joseph: One question at a time. My name is Joseph. I'm from Oz. I'm search of Zelena she killed my husband. I want my revenge. Where is she?!

Emma: Why did she kill your husband?

Joseph: Zelena and I were enemies. She told me about going back in time to change the past. I asked her why and she took it as a threat. So we had to battle and she won by taking my husband's life.

Regina: Well I'm sorry to tell you but my sister is dead.

Joseph: Zelena is your sister?

Regina: Yes, but she's dead. I offered her redemption, but she killed herself. How did you get here? Its impossible to travel.

Joseph: I thought so too, but there was a curse that was broken which broke all boarders to the realms. I used these silver boots to get here.

Charming: Well I hope you enjoy your stay.

Joseph: I hope so too...wait I sense magic here. I was told that Zelena went to a land without magic.

Mr. Gold: It was until I brought magic here.

Emma: Wait you can do magic?

Joseph: Of course I can. Look.

(Joseph makes a fire ball and lights a torch.)

Regina: Impressive, most impressive.

Joseph: Why thank you.

Rolland: Wow!! That was cool!! Can you do it again!!

Joseph: Of course little one.

(He makes another fire ball, but an icy blast puts it out.) What the hell!!

ONCE UPON A FANFIC PART I: FROZEN IS COMINGWhere stories live. Discover now