Life Hacks!

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Yet another new book, even though I promised myself I wouldn't start any new books. -_- *facepalm*...but I feel like this book is something I can do while I'm traveling, like on a plane, train, or in a car. I can just easily type it on my phone and not have to sit and think of a chapter like my other books, especially since I'm getting these cheats off Twitter.

Anyway, disclaimer!!! These life cheats are not mine! I'm getting them off of a Twitter page. The Twitter page is @LifeCheates and I highly recommend you go check them out and follow them, they have lots of cool and helpful life cheats! This book is just so you don't have to scroll through their millions of tweets to find life hacks. I've got em all right here.

So please enjoy this book and learn some new life cheats along the way!


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