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Dark Places

I feel my heart about to burst
Shivering with anxiety, heart pounding.
Running wild like horses. I panic
Freeze, I feel hollow. The waiting
Gods the fucking waiting is killing me

Yet again a troubled heart. Yet again
I sit here, depressed alone, unfulfilled
In the face of love.
I roll around in my own self pity.
Why is it always bitter, a sweet flowery beginning
And quickly followed by a harsh end.

I want to die, just curl up in a bowl.
Let the whole world revolve without me
I can take no more.
I need to get high just to forget the way
You feel. In my heart, in my fucking soul.
I go now for I start to linger in dark places

The Hunter

Was he going somewhere?
That dim afternoon?
Toiling through the mud.
In the harsh and the bleak.
Not seeing it anywhere?
Not experiencing it everywhere?

The tragedy is there.
No trees are blowing in the wind.
No birds are flying in the skies.
The inspiration is long gone.
The easy, hard and obscure to him.

Let it be so, let him be so.
If there is darkness there is light.
So forget about the cold for now.
Come in for a cup of tea, and rest.
There is still time tomorrow.


I feel hopeless.
I feel distraught.Like a stream, crossed over by the icy winter.
Empty like a canvas not yet splattered upon.
Confused and alienated.
Alarmed and unaware.

My desire has filled me to the brim.
I am only a man, and I can take so much
But this, this pain.
Unfathomable. Indescribable.
In a haze. I perspire shit from my very lips.
Spewing an empty poem, in the hopes of salvation.

My life turns bleak and my death draws near.

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