Jeddy (James x Teddy)

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Watching his father and step-father chasing each other around the house was, to put it honestly, the only source of amusement that James had right now. It gave him something other than envy and jealousy and the thought of the wild haired boy who popped into James' thoughts than he liked. Knowing that Al and Scorp were cuddling together on the sofa to his right made him jealous and there was a hint of sadness mixed in with it.

James was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn't see Teddy enter the room, didn't see his brother and boyfriend get up to greet him, didn't see the gentle smile and worried frown that Teddy sent his way. "What's up with Jamie?" Teddy gestured towards the brown haired boy who was curled into a ball at the end of the couch next to the door. Albus and Scorpius exchanged nervous glances but Teddy knew them well enough to know that something was up. "Been gloomy since you left," Scorpius' eyes glinted. "He goes on about you. Teddy this, Teddy that. Quite cute if I'm being honest." Guilt flared inside the boy, before affection for James washed over it. Leaving out of confusion and panic about his feelings towards the green eyed boy curled up on the couch, Teddy had been unable to get James out of his head.

The first thing he'd done was Floo call his godfather and cousin for advice on what to do. Harry and Draco would know best, James being Harry's son and advice for crushes. Harry's was to come home and talk to the boy and Draco's advice was to win his heart over using James's favorite cake or pudding. Teddy had decided on both. Coming home from Romania after spending the last 6 months with dragons and Charlie Weasley hurt a bit but it was comforting to know that he was going home, going home to his godfather and all of the comforts of home.

On the way home, Teddy had stopped at Diagon Alley to pop into Greg Goyle's small bakery business and had picked up each of the Malfoy-Potter clan's favorite sticky buns. From there, he'd Apparated directly to 12 Grimmauld Place, surprising Draco and Harry, who had been interrupted in the middle of a game of what seemed like kiss chase? Leaving the puddings he'd bought in the kitchen, Teddy had gone straight to the living room where he could hear Al and Scorp laughing. The minute he'd entered the room, he'd known something was up with James, but he hadn't known quite what it was. Now he realized. It was loneliness. He'd been like James was now for a couple weeks in Romania but Charlie had quickly got him working so that he only had been able to feel lonely when in bed. He'd cried himself to sleep most nights, the guilt and confusion racking his body, then taking the pain he felt out by shouting at the dragons to keep them in their pens.

Sitting down next to the boy on the sofa, whose face looked so glum and upset that Teddy's heart almost broke for him, Teddy placed his hand on James' wrist. "Jamie? You in there buddy?" His tone gentle and even, Teddy leant towards James and gently ran the other hand through James' tangled locks. James blinked at him in confusion and longing and Teddy nearly burst into tears then and there. "I'm sorry for leaving, I didn't want to hurt you, I panicked, I'm sorry, please Jamie, talk to me, i-i-I, I love you Jamie..." His voice trailed off, and he buried his head in his arms. Strong arms pulled him sideways and he buried his head in James' chest. "I love you too you prat. Please don't ever leave me like that again, I was so close to completely breaking..." Teddy shook his head, whispering "Never" and leant up to capture James' pearly pink lips in his own rosy chapped ones and knew that he'd never leave again.

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