
28 7 0

Co-writer insane_beyond_belief

Airalynn' s POV

I went to the bathroom, where I cryed my eyes out for who knows how long. Once I was done I looked at myself in the mirror and couldn't help but to just think 'pathetic'.

I splashed my face with water, trying to hide the tear stains, when I noticed I didn't feel very well. I walked back to Bre's room and told her that I wasn't feeling to well and was going to call my mom to pick me up.

When she got there we shared little good byes before I was on my way.

Breanna's POV

I felt bad, I knew she was in the bathroom upset, and then she came out not feeling well, and its NOT ALL MY FAULT! Yet she treats me like it is. I honestly didn't know how to feel, but this is all way to crazy.

I mean, why do I even care that she's crying... Oh, right, because unlike most friends, we have an unbreakable bond of friendship, and that means that we care if the other is hurting.

She did say one thing before she left other than bye, she said that I was right and we had just mistaken our close friend ship for something else, that's all. Yea, she's right, that's it.

Third POV

Are they speaking the truth, or are they lying to themselves with out knowing?

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