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Hey phantoms this chapter is dedicated to Thalico_Tratie-4ever because of her comment and her awesome name.


Reyna's POV

Gods Jason is being so...annoying. I mean usually he his but not as much as he's being now. He's acting like I'm about to break. I believe he is trying to be this...protective over me because of the whole "leaving me for over eight months" thing. But still. He doesn't have to be jealous too. I mean he was mad at Malcolm because he was in my room. Looking for his socks. That he left after we had finished a game of chess and monopoly

Which I totally kicked his butt at.

But Jason had no right to just barge into my room and drag Malcolm out of it. Malcolm couldn't come to my house for a week because Jason had Dakota and Bobby patrolling the outside of my house.

So here was my plan to retaliate. I won't talk to Jason for a week or maybe sooner if he apologizes to Malcolm for what he did. The plan starts today and I have called it Operation Nora. It doesn't stand for anything but still. I have always liked that name. And the game it is in.

(AN NOTE!!! Whoever gets what game I'm talking about then they get a chapter dedicated to them ;D)

Ding!!! Ding!!! Ding!!!

The doorbell was being rung by a maniac obviously. It took me a while to get back to planet Earth still. I stood up and went to the door and Annabeth and Percy. Poor doorbell, I thought, you didn't deserve this sort of abuse by this idiot. Percy was pushing the doorbell repeatedly even after I had open the damn door. I stared at him. Annabeth was too busy grabbing her suitcase to even hear anything going on that her boyfriend was doing.

"Thanks so much for letting us stay," Annabeth said gratefully." It has made everything so much more easier."

I was still staring Percy. At least he stopped pushing the doorbell.

"No problem, Annabeth. I have a feeling it's going to be quite fun." I said. I glared at Percy angrily. Who had stuck his tongue out at me.

I whispered to him," but with you around it's going to be filled with torture."

"Same thing," he hissed back at me.

We were both glaring at each. Percy and I's relationship was quite the hard one. I guess you could say its almost like a brother-sisterly relationship. Many people think we're siblings because of our tan skin and jet black hair. Even though I'm Puerto Rican and Percy's not. Also our eyes are nothing alike. While mine are a ver dark brown to the point were they almost black and his are these deep sea green eyes that to some people are mesmerizing to me their just plain weird.

I also know some people think of me as a home wrecker because I "flirted" with Percy, Annabeth's boyfriend. And I didn't flirt with Percy. I can't even dream of thinking of him like that. Look I can't even flirt with someone to save my life. And anyone a roman flirts with a person with human contact. It's because were so use to hiding our feelings, so we use body language and contact with that person. I wouldn't dream on ruining Percy and Annabeth's perfect relationship....and Blah Blah Blah.

And speaking of Blah Blah Blah. The second most talkative person in the world decides to come in.

You guys guessed right.

Jason!!! Yeah!!! The sarcasm is real in this one.

Jason came in like he owned the which he didn't. I mean just because he owns one that looks exactly like this one doesn't mean he should get them confused. They have our individual name on the mailbox and the welcome mat! He couldn't think this was really his? Could he?

But by the look he had on his face it proved he was just that dumb. (Percy and Annabeth are already up the stairs in case you wanted to know. ) I stared at him actually shocked. About to break my rule when I remembered it.

"Hmmm... This isn't my house now is it?" He contemplated.

I glared at him. He gave me this tiny smirk on his face as he walked over toward me. I stared at him my heart beating in my chest worried that he was going to hear how anxious I was for him to do something. Jason had me pinned against the wall and I kinda liked it but if he doesn't do something soon I might scream in frustration.

Jason leaned forward his lips tantalizingly close when......


A cliffhanger. Oh how much I love making these. It gets people anxious and wanting more. It's that enthusiasm that shows that my beautiful phantoms like this book. Or maybe it's because I just love to know that you phantoms love to suffer. *evil laugh* Anyway let's WHEEL IN THE KRAKEN!!!!!;)

Jellybeans and Blue Foods,


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