Untitled Document #1

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*Warning: This might be too dark for some so yeah, read at your own risk. Also I promise it's not all dark and gory stuff :3*

This story is not about a heroic so and so trying to save the world from an evil beast but it isn't about a princess in need of rescue. No, this story is a little more, well, dark. This story is about an experiment gone wrong. A mistake. A little girl named Experiment 124a. Now let's begin...

Year 20xx - New York, NY

It was a warm sunny day in the beautiful city of new york, but sadly, experiment 124a (or just 124a for short) wouldn't know that. 124a wouldn't know anything about the weather or what a warm, sunny day even was, for "it" as she was usually referred to as, was trapped in a science facility deep underground where scientists would kidnap infants and raise them just so they could be some test subjects to conduct experiments on them. Harmful experiments. Experiments such as combining the dna of other living creatures with their own, or maybe they'd shock you until you fell unconscious just to see how long you can last, or inject you with different elements just to see if you'd survive or not. They were all just test rats, and they didn't care.

It's been 10 years since they've captured the first batch of infants, well they're no longer infants but rather 11 year olds, and non of them have any memory of the real world. They don't even know that there's a huge world of infinite possibilities and all they had to do to reach it was escape the hell that they knew as home.

124a was a special test subject, because for one, the experiment that she was involved in was only conducted once, and two, she wasn't actually human anymore. She was a half. A half of what used to be a human being. The other half is somewhere in the facility but they couldn't keep them together because of the potencial that they could become whole once again. So now 124a was just a half, a happy half actually. She was all the positive the old human had stuffed inside a body. For the experiment she was "participating" in was to see if they could successfully remove all the negative parts of humanity, creating a perfect world of perfect people. The scientists tried to break her spirits many times, but as expected it did not work. So they locked 124a up in a small 4 by 4 foot room where she was served meals once a day, but she never complained, because she couldn't. So they she stayed, day after day, year after year. All Alone.

Next Chapter Coming Out: Next Weekend Probably, who knows, maybe a hurricane will come, or I'll be abducted by unicorns, idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2019 ⏰

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