Even though they aren't there
My mind it thought we were a pair
I'm always there they say
But there is always a price to pay
They fight- they share-
But do they really care-
In our minds they are demons
They cause pain without treason
They say they spread the love
But they will always be above
Above those in Mother Nature
Even though they don't know the danger-
They always try to put us aside
In the life we live
Showing off what they call pride
Using others pain- they drive
Using sad as an excuse-
Using pain to get loose-
Using worry to gain a truce-
But it's not worth the abuse
Why are the ones who care-
the ones you can trust
Are never- ever there
It makes me feel like dust
blowing through the air
No one wants
No one needs-
Everyone daunts
Like I am weeds