Oswald Cobblepot : Sick day

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You were sick but continued to sweep the floor, sneezing multiple times. Your eyes were red and puffy, your nose had tinges of pink on the tip. White as a sheet, you take a menthol sweet and continue cleaning. The door opens and you hear the jingle of keys, then footsteps toward the kitchen. You too tired to move your just stood there holding the brush focusing on a spot on the wall. Your swaying from side to side feeling drowsy. ''Oh my goodness (y/n) are you alright!'' You hear Os say. ''Y-yeah I'm 'Kay.'' You reply holding on to the counter falling. ''No your not my love, come on let's go to bed.'' He responds. ''Dear, I'm okay, besides I need to clean.'' You said. ''No no no, your not cleaning right now. I will lie with you, come on.'' He takes your arm and leads you to the bedroom, you giving up on insisting to be productive. You both lie down and fall asleep after putting your comfy clothes on. ''I love you.'' Oswald says. You reply with ''Love you too."

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