arch enemy angel

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Your prove

It's strange. I never met my father. Not my mother. I still have a family though. Their names are Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Lucifer, Gabriel, and Crowley. They haven't really found a place like non are my brothers or uncle's. They are just my family. I almost lost them one day. And that my friend is where we start...

It was cold. Very cold. Me, Sammy, and Dean. Where hunting what we thought was a trickster! ((Btw this is author-chan speaking. LOOOKKKKKII-IIII MY BABY!!)) Gabe said it's wasn't a trickster. He said it was to powerful to be one. So he thought it might be more or an angel... We didn't listen... We should have... Least I should have! I should have known better! But I was to busy wanting to gank the damn thing!

Me and the Winchester's walked in to this museum. It was about Greek gods, and goddesses. We all split up but little did we know the Winchester's got knocked out. Me? Oh yeah I was left to find them in this room with those fancy white pillars the Greek hand! They where tied up to two of them. Sam on on, and Dean on the other. Right before I got to Sam a voice distracted.

"Hello my dear child." The voice said from the shadows as a figure came out. "Who are you?!" I could tell this was no trickster... I knew this angel! I refused to believe my eyes! It couldn't be... Could it? "My name? Oh dear    (y/n) don't you remember me? It's Toby!" Toby said. ((If your name is Toby just change the name)) Toby? I thought he fell, and killed him self! He went mad before he fell! "Toby? I thought you died!" I instantly went in to a defensive stance knowing he was still mad.

"Oh but that's just that half of it! And thank you for bringing yourself and the Winchester's! This was easier than I thought!" He smirked. At that moment I knew I fuck up... ((MEME'S!! or was that a vine? But vine's are MEME'S, right? last I checked they were.)) I knew we where in big trouble. I knew Lucifer, Gabriel, Crowley,and cas couldn't help. I was alone. The Winchester's where in trouble. I had to save them! "Toby you don't have to do this!!" "Oh but sweet (y/n) I do. You see.." he came closer. "I am not angel like. I did an experiment! It turned me in to an demon angel!! Mostly demon thought." He took out a knife and the boys woke up. "Ugh Sammy you ok?" Dean groans. "Yes Dean. I am ok." Sam moans.

"Oh look here (y/n)! they woke up just in time to see you die!" Toby came at me with a knife. I took min out and we started fighting. Towards the end I hand a buttsted lip a broken nose a black eye a few broken ribs bruises here and there some cuts. Most cuts were not deep. "Toby! Please it doesn't have to be this way!" I groan in pain. "Actually (y/n) it does!" Suddenly I went flying in to several walls and I did the same to him before I got up. As I was getting up the boys said to just leave. Like I would leave my family!

I swear I looked badass getting up! That's when it all went down I flew to Toby and he flew to me.

~Skip brought to you by Lucifer.


Luci: she said shut up to me! *Puts hand over heart as if hurt*

Author-chan: Luci I will make Hanzo and Jessie hunt you down!! DONT YOU DARE SAY MCHANZO UNLESS YOU MEAN MY OC TOBY MCCREE AND HANZO!!


Author-chan: *screams and attack Lucifer* I SWEAR I COULD KILL YOU!!

Gabriel: *come in and pulls author-chan off* easy there Tess- er author-chan~

I finally killed him... Cas finally popped in and untied the Winchester's. That's when everything went black. I went in to a state of under conciousness. ((I can't spell or English)) reality as I knew it was gone...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2018 ⏰

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