Mikaze Ai x Reader (Blue-Colored Spring) Oneshot

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A/N: Hontou ni gomenasai! (I'm really sorry!) I know I've been inactive but please blame my life for taking me away from my hobby! So to make up for it, here's a simple fanfic for those Mikaze Ai fans out there! It isn't much but... enjoy!

I blinked open my eyes, squinting at the ceiling. For some reason, the ceiling was... swaying? My body felt like lead, chained to the bed by an unknown force. My mind felt hazy, as if parts of my brain was still asleep. Slowly I got up and tamed my messy hair, remembering the chores I have to do today.

.... Music sheets... Where are they...

I got ready in a jiffy despite the horrible headache and grabbed the purple file on my desk, fighting the urge to just collapse on the floor. No, I have to hand this to the headmaster today, so at least let me finish this one job before I take a break for the whole day. So I flung open the door and headed to the office.

Between the office block and the dorms, a path divided the green grass in between. The path seemed longer than usual, maybe it was just because of my fever. I walked stiffly towards the office block, until I saw something blue between the greenery.

The seemingly-emotionless youth of Quartet Night, Mikaze Ai, sat on a bench staring straight at nothing. I blinked twice, wondering what sort of person would wake up this early in the morning just to look at nature. Hmmm... maybe only Mikaze-senpai at the moment.

Suddenly I heard a snap underneath my sneakers, and Mikaze Ai suddenly whipped over to look at the intruder. I stared back and waved awkwardly, feeling like I just interrupted something. However, even just lifting my right hand took a lot of effort. And as expected, senpai noticed me.

'(Y/N), you of all the people know perfectly well to stay in bed when you're sick."

"B-But I have to hand these in to Shining Saotome by today..."

He shook his head disapprovingly.

"Health is more important than this task, (Y/N). Go sit down on that bench right now, I'll help you hand in that file."

"Eh, I-"

Before I could protest, he already took the file out of my hands. Sighing slightly, I obeyed him and went to the bench, my legs finally free from the strain of walking. Without another word, he left me with the file in his hands. My eyes finally gave way to sleepiness, and I unwillingly fell into a deep slumber.


The sound of some birds chirping snapped me out of my sleep. Oh man, just when I had such a nice dream too! Squinting about, I saw some branches and trees above me and I recalled what happened that morning. Anyways, has the bench always been this soft?

I turned my head to the left and froze suddenly. What the, Mikaze-senpai?! That means... I'm on his lap?!

Quickly I got up and turned around. Yep there he was, sitting at the other side of the bench. His blue eyes stared into my (E/C) orbs, so I looked away instinctively. Come to think of it, my headache had lessen greatly and so did the energy drain, so I was well enough to sit up straight and not wobble down again.

"Mi-Mikaze-senpai?! When did you come back and why didn't you wake me up? Wait a second, my file...? Where's my file?!"

I panicked as I looked left and right, only to be greeted by a slight tap on my head. Blinking, I looked back at Mikaze-senpai, who seemed to have a bored look on his face and a fist resting on my forehead.

"You baka, I handed in the file for you already, don't you remember? Looks like you're still hazy even after that nap huh..."

"... Well, I didn't know I was that sick..."

I scratched my head awkwardly, feeling bad for making him do my errand for him. I waited for a lecture on health care from him, but none came. Well this is... weird... Instead, I heard him sigh.

"I checked your temperature earlier, and if you take in adequate amount of water and take it easy for the day, you should be alright by evening."

"Ah... is that so... umm thanks Mikaze-senpai."

There was the silence again, but I swear this was the first time I had a long conversation with him. Usually I had to deal with most of the other senpais especially Kotobuki-senpai, but that's another story for later.

"....(Y/N), I need to ask you something."

"...Yeah, what is it?"

"Why is it that I seem to prioritize you more than other people? Why do I feel unsettled whenever you're around? Why do I seem to feel what you feel sometimes? Why do I want you by my side all the time?"

I just stared at Mikaze-senpai, not knowing what to say. It can't be... can it? I could feel heat rising to my cheeks already the more I look at him, so I averted my eyes to control myself. Should I just tell him it's just a strong friendship, or the truth? Wait, is it really what I think it is? What if I'm wrong?

I looked at him once more, seeing his curiosity reflecting into my eyes. Well, the truth it is.

"W-Well Senpai, it's part of something called... love..."

No, please no, just don't tilt your head like that Senpai, don't you know how adorable you look right now?!

"... Love?"

"It's... umm... when all you can think about is that person. You will also start to be extremely conscious of yourself whenever you're around her, and you'll start to notice the small details about that person and somehow makes you smile for no reason... it's not really a complete answer, but that's what I read in the web before."

He looked away for a while, deep in his own thoughts. I suddenly found it very interesting to stare at my fingers as they played with each other and I kept quiet. Suddenly, he spoke.

"So... does that mean I love you (Y/N)?"

He looked at me straight in the eyes, and somehow I couldn't avert my eyes this time. Those pools of blue were so mesmerizing, as if I could get lost in them all day. Seeing how I was too shocked to answer, he didn't bother for my answer and leaned in closer. I froze in my spot, the crimson blush on my face growing deeper in shades. He tilted his head slightly again and observed my reactions. Suddenly, I couldn't take it anymore and forced myself to speak.

"Mi-Mikaze-senpai, actually... I-I ....love you too!"

As soon as I blurted out what I had to say, he slammed his lips onto mine. This lasted for a few seconds, but to me it felt like an eternity. Once we pulled apart, we looked at each other. He was the first to break the silence.

"You know, (Y/N), I've felt this way about you for a very long time now. Thank you, for returning my feelings."

"Thank you too, Mikaze-senpai... no, Ai..."

I smiled happily, never expecting such sweet romance happening during my 16th spring. My spring, tinged with my favourite colour.

My blue-colored spring.

A/N: Thanks for reading this! :D I feel like Ai is bit too OC so gomen if he seems out of character! To be honest, I still don't know my writing style yet so I don't know whether this one is any good... ah enough ranting already! Once again, thanks a lot~ :D

Mikaze Ai x Reader (Blue-Colored Spring) OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now