Sienna Riddle's Diary Part 2

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Hi Diary,


Today was my birthday! So like I told you I would tell what I got and I got a BIG surprise, 2 actually. I got the Imagine Dragons album YAY, but that's not any of the surprises. I also got 2 puppies AWWW, but to bad I can't take them to Hogwarts, I called them Dina and Tina they were both girls. Those are all the normal presents I got now for the 2 surprises. First, guess what I got the letter from Hogwarts, I'm a little weird so I took the stamp off carefully then put it on a piece of paper. The next surprise was that I got a owl and cat, so now I'm going to take the cat to Hogwarts, so that way the dogs and cat can't fight. I decided to call the cat Kit Kat and the owl Reid, there just the first names that popped in my head. So in about a week I will be heading to Hogwarts.

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