😇Angels in the court👨🏿‍⚖️

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No Ones POV

Bailiff announces: All rise. The Court of law is now in session, the Honorable Judge
Dickerson presiding.

Everyone remains standing until the judge enters and is seated.

Bailiff: June 3, 2017 Your Honor, today's case is Kandy Diamonds v. Christopher Brown.

Judge Dickerson: The attorneys that are representing their defendant are you ready to start trial

Chris looks up at his attorney John and take a deep salad breath and swallow his pride, The palm of his hands start sweating, for him to just even think about being taken away from his daughter makes his life feel like it's at an end there's nothing in this world that can describe the pain that Chris is feeling right now he looks over his right shoulder to see Yn in disbelief that all of this is happening with tears in her eyes as she holds royalty in her arms

John: Yes your honor

Maya: Yes your honor

John: Your honor may it please the court and ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my name is John Timothy, counsel for Christopher Brown in this action. My client is in disbelief that this is happening to him. He wouldn't put his life on his daughters life in danger. To have some dancer have his daughter taken away i'll because my client was being a boss telling her that she needs to focus on her job and stop trying to seduce him in front of his daughter.

Maya: Excuse me your owner but my name is Maya Dunningham , if I may please the court can I speak

Judge Dickerson: Yes go right ahead

Maya: my client is paid to do those things, she's paid to dance for him so seducing is not the case the case is he's doing drugs in front of his daughter

Judge Dickerson: All right do you have proof of this drug usage

Maya: No.. your honor but-..

Judge Dickerson: Then have a seat, you may continue John

John: Thank you your honor my client made it very clear before the tour and heading out on the road his rules on his tour bus when he has his daughter

Chris confidently smiles at John and his statement Chris reaches back he's right arm to hold Yn hand

Judge Dickerson: And what are those rules

John: your honor those rules are no smoking no swearing no drinking no groupies and when Royalty falls asleep so does everyone else but on the bright side you're honor he does provide them with endless Disney movies

Judge Dickerson chuckles a little looks down at his paperwork and shakes his head and he mumbles

Judge Dickerson: what am I getting myself into

Maya: Your honor if it's not too late to plead the case of my client Kandy diamonds

Judge Dickerson: Go ahead

Maya: We still haven't reached justice my client just informed me on an incident that happened on that tour bus

Judge Dickerson: Go on

Maya: My client states that Mr. Brown tried to rape her

John: Your honor, if you don't mind me interrupting her I would like to ask Ms. Diamonds a question

Judge Dickerson: I guess...

Kandy walks up and sits on the right side of the Judge

Bailiff: You swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth so help me God?

Kandy: Yes

John: On chris's tour bus before he left his driveway didn't he state his rules that he has for when his daughter is on tour with him?

Kandy: Yes

John: And in that same night right after he told the rules you try to seduce him right in front of his daughter?

Kandy: I was joking with him

John: I have one more question before I ask my closing question did you ever use any foul language towards Chris Brown's daughter Royalty Brown while on tour?

Kandy: Yes only cause I forgot

Kandy's face was the color of a red crayon her face was filled with so much regret, as far as landed on Chris and then landed on Yn and saw the worry the tears the love of a real mother in her eyes oh how worried she was she then looked at mama Joyce and saw so much infuriation in her eyes she just didn't know she has so much come in for her from mama Joyce

John: And are you making this up just to get back a Chris Brown for telling you to mind your business

Kandy: Yes.. I MEAN NO--

The jury starts to mumble

John: I rest my case

John walks back and stand to Chris Brown left side and smile popping him collar of his gray Armani suit

Judge Dickerson slams his wooden hammer on his desk three times

Judge Dickerson: Order in the court I say order in the court!!

Maya: You're on her she's just nervous he's interrogating her

The jury soon come down to here with the judge had to say

Judge Dickerson: I understand this pretty well Ms. Maya your client obviously told on herself she was right she did do all of this to get back at him to set him up because she can't get what she wants I rest my case now get out of my quart room

It all ends well as Chris wins another trial. Everyone that was on Chris side was so happy words came even describe how happy Chris was astonish and so very grateful that he was not losing his daughter he kiss the woman of his dreams Yn and hugged his mom and dad and hug John so very tightly

Chris: Thanks man you didn't it again

John: No problem

I just want to thank all of my readers for reading the stories voting and commenting you've been a great help at motivating me to keep your drawn in my books so stay tune everything gets a little bit sticky here in Browns life this is just the beginning I love you comment vote tell me what you think and please be sure to read my new story gangster boy it's also Chris Brown story and my new Bruno Mars story is coming soon love ❤️ Kay&Kay

Ps: I don't know anything about a quart room so hopefully this sound like a real quart room LOL 😂

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