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I laid on the bed with my Sir and 3 other girls. The bed was huge, it had to be as all of us sleeping together was usually every night. We were all together, all loved each other, even if some of us loved others more. I for one loved Ashley more than my other sisters, as we called each other. And then of course Steve who was our dom, we all loved him equally and he loved us equally.

I was the one who was first with him though so he may have a "soft" spot for me, weird word though for us, soft. Especially since Steve was without a doubt harder on me than any of the other girls. Which was how I liked it.

I laid next to Ashley, she was still sleeping, as were all the others. I usually woke up first, and typically made breakfast. Not this morning though. As I stared at Ashley, lust washed over me. The covers were only half covering her body and the light was bathing her perfect pale skin. As I leaned over to gently kiss her soft skin she stirred but only to roll over a bit towards me. I giggled softly and continued kissing down her chest. Sirs arm was under her neck, her and I switched spots every other night and on the other side Zoë and Vee switched spots so we all got to sleep next to him. 

I cupped the sides of her breasts with my hands, they were about size C and so perky and beautiful. My tongue was sticking out as I moved my head down and stuck her right nipple in my mouth, swirling my tongue around the little bud as it slowly grew erect. A little sleepy moan came from her mouth and I moved to the other one.

Her eyes opened slowly, "Jas what are you doing?" she whispered, her voice clouded with sleep. I just smiled and kissed her perfect warm lips. "Sir isn't going to like this if he wakes up to us playing." I laughed and shrugged, "I'll tell him it was my idea, my ass needs more marks anyways." 

She moaned and grabbed my ass, looking at it. There weren't many bruises, just a lot of really small ones from his hands, I knew for this I would get something worse. "Well you are the most masochistic here, we usually blame you for things." I gasped, feigning surprise. I knew they did, especially since I know I'm not disobedient enough to match all the punishments I've received. I kissed her harder and she moaned against my lips. I pulled the covers off her and started roaming my hands around her body. Her skin was so soft and my touch left a trail of goosebumps down her body. I pulled her hips closer to me so I could straddle her without touching Sir and swung my legs around her. I leaned down, continuing to kiss her as I started grinding against her. Her breathing was getting heavier with mine as I rubbed against her pussy.

"Damn Jas you're soaked," She whimpered against my lips. I giggled and nodded, then threw my head back slightly and moaned. I looked over to see if it woke Sir and thankfully it didn't, so I continued swaying and moving my hips. The feeling of her soft and wet cunt on mine made it so hot, and I was panting, while Ashley reached up and started pinching and pulling at my nipples. I had to bite my lips together to stop myself from whining out. I looked over and saw that Vee and Zoë both were awake and staring at us. The covers were moving and both their mouths were open so I'm assuming they were touching each other. I started twitching, "I-I'm gonna cum," I gasped out. All 3 of them shook their heads, knowing it was a bad idea but I didn't care, like I said I was already planning on getting punished.

My chest arched forward and I was so close when Sir reached out and grabbed my waist, pulling me away from Ashley and onto him. "You two, stop that," He demanded roughly to Vee and Zoë, who also had a deer-in-the-headlights look on their faces. "Jasmine, what do you think you're doing? Did you really think that you would get away with that?"

I shrugged, "I was hoping I would." That didn't make him happy. Ugh he was probably awake the whole time just testing to see how far I would take it. And he wasn't happy with the results. "Girls, go get something to eat, save me a seat."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2018 ⏰

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