waking up sucks

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lukes pov


"luke! get up"

*rubs eyes and puts on glasses*"okay!"

"get ready and come down stairs and eat"

*gets out of bed and yawns and stretches*

*brushes teeth*

*puts on a blue t-shirt with jeans and boots and combs hair*

*sighs and walks down stairs*"morning mom"

*smiles*"morning sweetie"

*smiles*"oh pancakes"*eats the pancakes and grabs back pack and goes to the door*" bye mom"

"bye sweetie" 

*starts walking to school*

asks pov


"ash get up right now your going to be late for school!"

"ugh fine"

*rubs eyes and get out of bed *

i hate school 

*brushes teeth*

and combs hair puts on black jeans and and black t-shirt and a jacket*

*grabs a breakfast bar and grabs book bag  and walks out the door*

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2018 ⏰

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