Keep running. Gotta keep running.
"Come out come out wherever you are... you can't keep running, sugar. Soon your legs will get tired, and you will have to rest." A honeyed voice purred.
A loud, ear splitting noise followed the voice. It sounded like millions of nails being slowly scraped across a huge, endless chalkboard. I decided to duck around a corner, hoping to loose the creature. Whatever it was, it wasn't human. The screeches grew louder as the creature approached. It didn't bother to look around the corner, and I had gotten a chance to get a good look at it. The creature had long, gangly arms and enormous hands with scythe blade-like claws. It had two long, spindly legs, and it was hunched over with its arms dragging behind it. As it moved farther away from me, I let out a sigh, standing slowly and running in the other direction.
I began sprinting as fast as I could, not caring how much noise I made. I knew that creature would be back soon, and I wouldn't care to know of its intentions if it were to catch me.
RandomThe stories you find in here are random, so they probably won't follow a theme. Some may be unfinished or may not make any sense. The point of this book is for me to just pour out scenarios for stories in my mind onto this. This will not be updated...