"My Dream Date"

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I love dreaming, for many reasons actually. Some of which, you can already name, I'm guessing.
Dreams...well, they bring about an image. An image of your hearts longings, and greatest concerns. In dreams we can find many things. Such as adventures, discoveries, revelations, and even love!
So if you will, may I share with you a dream of mine, that carries all four of these?
Okay! Well, you're still reading so I guess you'd like to know, wouldn't you?
I don't share this often...though I'll share it with you! I love dreaming, or more so fantasying about my dream date. Just imagining how much fun, and emotion could be shared between two people, is so beautiful. Here's how I see it happening! I'm lying in bed, wrapped in my covers and suddenly I get a text. Guess who it's from? Well, my girlfriend of course hehe. She's texted me "Good morning babe, I love you!" I in response tell her how much I love her as well. Bright and early in the morning, I'm already reminded of the fact that my life is amazing. While this person, is just one of the million reasons why. So what happens after? I'd ask to see her! Maybe we'd go to a park...or the movies! I've always loved the idea of sitting next to my date, and cuddling while the film rolls. Then again, you know what! My favorite place for a date, would have to be an amusement park. That would be nice. So, to continue my dream, I'd probably text her about going out to an amusement park together. As soon as I lay my eyes on her, I'd run as if I were running a marathon. As though I was running forever, just to hold her the same as I held her yesterday and hopefully all the days after. I'd hug her, smell her hair, and we'd kiss, as I reassure her of how beautiful she is. We'd get on some rides of course, and I finally won't be getting on them alone. I'd have her to sit next to me, and we can cower in each other's arms with each drop on the rollercoaster. I find kissing on a ride to be beautiful moment to share as well...maybe we'd do that before we bite the big one, with the next drop! Throughout the day we'd take Snapchat filter pictures, and post about how much fun we're having. We'd hold each other's hand, and just count the reasons why we'd never want to let go. And when she'd compare herself to the other people around her, I'd be the first to tell remind her of the value she brings. Oh, we'd also take pictures with characters, and definitely get something to eat. Just the thought of this, and the pictures of all the memories that could be made, brighten my smile. Then, we'd end the night looking at the stars together, and recalling all the fun we had that day. The simple things made it amazing. From the brush of air felt while we walked the street, to the hot sun against our bodies. The time spent being in line, holding each other, waiting for our turn. I could go on and on about what a dream date for me could be. But in all honesty, anywhere, any moment, any place, with the person you care about most in the world, is a dream date. It doesn't matter if it's in a sewer down the street, or in a hotel with a boob door knobs. My dream date is the day shared with you.
Sincerely the guy you'll meet sometime from now, if only I'll one day meet you~ ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2018 ⏰

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